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Alysa Brice, Michael Patrick, Jacob Radatz, Michael Messina

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1 Alysa Brice, Michael Patrick, Jacob Radatz, Michael Messina
The Effect of Electromagnetic Field Exposure Duration on the Growth, Pupation, and Mortality Rates of Tenebrio Molitor Larvae Alysa Brice, Michael Patrick, Jacob Radatz, Michael Messina

2 Purpose Hypotheses exist that claim Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) affect health Determine how EMF exposure affects mealworms: Growth rate Pupation Death rate There are hypotheses that exist that claim that EMFs can negatively affect health, so we wanted to witness a similar pattern firsthand; therefore, we decided to use mealworms to test how EMF exposure affects the growth and death rates, along with rates of pupation.

3 Background Information
Tenebrio molitor - Mealworm Diet of grains, starches, scraps Prefer dark environments Similar research has been previously conducted popular for use in research similar research uses mealworms and using different types of radiation to prevent infestations in grain supplies dark environments- cupboards, grain storage bins, under logs (Gearhart)

4 Background Information
Dealt with larvae and pupa stages of life cycle here shown, mealworms about 1 month, pupae about 2 months, beetles almost 5

5 Background Information
Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) Generated by current passing through a wire Exists in all electronics, needed in many Field proportional to Amperage Measured in this experiment in Gauss created by running a current through a wire, all electronics create emfs. the strength increases as amps increase, meaning as current flow increases the strength of the field increases. the field strength is measured in gauss

6 Background Information
Previous Research Research has been conducted regarding Health effects of EMFs on organisms Field effects on Tadpoles MRI effects on Humans

7 Hypothesis As the Duration of EMF Exposure Increases,
Growth rate decreases Death rate increases Pupae formation decreases

8 Setup Modify Power supplies
Set timers to 6,12,18,24 hours respectively Control gradient has no field exposure from experiment 5-quart feeding containers

9 Setup Modify Dell power supplies as shown: wiring diagram/picture



12 Data Collection Randomly collect 30 mealworms per container
Record mass Record number Pupae/death Replace wheat germ and potato Repeat every 3 Days

13 Mean±Standard Deviation
Results Table 1: Average Mass Exposure Mean±Standard Deviation 24 Hours 2.8234±1.3011 18 Hours 2.8920±1.3599 12 Hours 2.7746±1.2210 6 Hours 2.8320±1.2667 Control (0 Hours) 2.8415±1.2958

14 Table 2: Percent Pupae by Day 55
Results Table 2: Percent Pupae by Day 55 Exposure % Pupae 24 Hours 24 18 Hours 25 12 Hours 4 6 Hours 6 Control (0 Hours) 12

15 Mean±Standard Deviation
Results Table 3: Average Death Exposure Mean±Standard Deviation 24 Hours 9.1002±3.8095 18 Hours ±6.6210 12 Hours 9.5695±5.3834 6 Hours ±5.9538 Control (0 Hours) 8.6457±7.5183

16 Results use control to discuss “normal” distribution
mass increases as time increases until day 55,

17 Results compare to control (less of a downward ending on curve)

18 Results normal

19 Results compare

20 Results This graph shows the total percent death by day of the control gradient. It can be noted that the graph follows a parabolic trend.

21 Results This graph of the 12 hour gradient’s % death differs heavily. The death trend shows a fast, steep incline during the first twenty days, and then slows down.

22 Table 4: Mass by Duration P-Values
Results Table 4: Mass by Duration P-Values Gradient P-Value '24-Hour' vs '18-Hour' Mass 0.875 '24-Hour' vs '12-Hour' Mass 0.906 '24-Hour' vs '6-Hour' Mass 0.984 '24-Hour' vs Control Mass 0.966 '18-Hour' vs '12-Hour' Mass 0.781 '18-Hour' vs '6-Hour' Mass 0.889 '18-Hour' vs Control Mass 0.907 '12-Hour' vs '6-Hour' Mass 0.888 '12-Hour' vs Control Mass 0.871 '6-Hour' vs Control Mass 0.982

23 Table 5: Percent Pupae Gradient P-Values
Results Table 5: Percent Pupae Gradient P-Values Gradient P-Value '24-Hour' vs '18-Hour' 0.721 '24-Hour' vs '12-Hour' 0.9625 '24-Hour' vs '6-Hour' 0.424 '24-Hour' vs Control 0.556 '18-Hour' vs '12-Hour' 0.439 '18-Hour' vs '6-Hour' 0.307 '18-Hour' vs Control 0.391 '12-Hour' vs '6-Hour' 0.748 '12-Hour' vs Control 0.941 '6-Hour' vs Control 0.778

24 Table 6: Percent Death Gradient P-Values
Results Table 6: Percent Death Gradient P-Values Gradient P-Value ‘24-Hour' vs '18-Hour' 0.003 '24-Hour' vs '12-Hour' 0.765 '24-Hour' vs '6-Hour' 0.385 '24-Hour' vs Control 0.821 '18-Hour' vs '12-Hour' 0.011 '18-Hour' vs '6-Hour' 0.042 '18-Hour' vs Control '12-Hour' vs '6-Hour' 0.6 '12-Hour' vs Control 0.675 '6-Hour' vs Control 0.401

25 Errors Locations in room Temperature of room Feeding Irregularities
Power Supply Damage Some errors that affected the testing included inconsistent location of the gradient habitats in the room and the varying temperature of the locations. Food for the test subjects was typically limited to potatoes, but on occasion, potatoes would run out and corn would have to be used in place of potatoes. Also, on day 55, there was a power surge in the building that caused the power supplies to sustain damage, so the exposure did not exist after day 55.

26 Conclusions T-tests all returned high p-values, meaning:
We did not make a significant difference in any gradients overall Any possible variance in the biological aspects were consistent across all gradients as well as control The initial slope across gradients for death vs time suggest ‘artificial selection’

27 Conclusions Fields may have hindered pupation
Fields had little to no effect on mass

28 Future Research Stronger fields More population data Cellular Analysis
Multiple Generations

29 Questions?

30 Works Cited Gearhart, Jamy. “#164 We Have Babies!”,n.d. Image. 2 May

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