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HOW NAD - RDD duct diffuser

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1 HOW NAD - RDD duct diffuser

2 What you need to know before you start?
HOW NAD - RDD duct diffuser What you need to know before you start? What type of application? What is the usage ? (heating/air conditionning/Ventilation) What is the installation height? Are there any obstacles? What is the total airflow rate?

3 RDD Perforated duct diffuser
HOW NAD - RDD duct diffuser RDD Perforated duct diffuser Perforation adapted to the configuration of the room Ideal for open ceiling applications Maximum installation height 60ft (18 m ) Minimum installation height 13ft (4.0 m)

4 Adaptive perforations
HOW NAD - RDD duct diffuser Adaptive perforations

5 HOW NAD - RDD duct diffuser
Large scale results

6 Selection steps Determine location of ducts Determine the Ø Diameter
HOW NAD - RDD duct diffuser Selection steps Determine location of ducts Determine the Ø Diameter Balance the air flow Provide construction drawings

7 Sample of calculation Zone 1 : 4160 m3/h (2450 cfm)
HOW NAD - RDD duct diffuser Sample of calculation Zone 1 : 4160 m3/h (2450 cfm) Zone 2 : 1232 m3/h (725 cfm) Height of underside duct: 13ft (4 m)

8 Example of layout Determine placement of ducts Determine the Ø
HOW NAD - RDD duct diffuser Example of layout Determine placement of ducts Determine the Ø Balance air flow

9 Recommendations for direct connection
HOW NAD - RDD duct diffuser Recommendations for direct connection Determine placement of ducts Determine the Ø Balance air flow

10 Recommendation for the connection between NAD and spiral duct
HOW NAD - RDD duct diffuser Recommendation for the connection between NAD and spiral duct Determine placement of ducts Determine the Ø Balance air flow The supply duct exceed the wall an exact length of 2’’1/4 (58 mm)

11 Optimal layout The RDD covers the entire zone 5m
HOW NAD - RDD duct diffuser Optimal layout Determine placement of ducts Determine the Ø Balance air flow The RDD covers the entire zone 5m

12 Selection of diameter Determine placement of ducts Determine the Ø
HOW NAD - RDD duct diffuser Selection of diameter Determine placement of ducts Determine the Ø Balance air flow

13 Diameter selection Zone 1 : Composed of 2 sections Section n° 1 :
HOW NAD - RDD duct diffuser Diameter selection Determine placement of ducts Determine the Ø Balance air flow Zone 1 : Composed of 2 sections Section n° 1 : - 4 x Ø 556 mm Zone 2 : Composed of 1 section - 4 x Ø 353 mm

14 RDD Rules Install 1 Reducer or Damper every 50 ft
HOW NAD - RDD duct diffuser RDD Rules Determine placement of ducts Determine the Ø Balance air flow Install 1 Reducer or Damper every 50 ft or every 10 active sections Prévoir un réduit ou clé de balancement tous les 25’ max

15 NAD Spec Chart Tableau NAD_Specifications RDD Identification Brand
HOW NAD - RDD duct diffuser NAD Spec Chart Tableau NAD_Specifications RDD Identification Brand Model Airflow Ceiling height Height below the duct Room Temp in winter Room R.H. % in winter Temp. in duct In summer Tempin duct in summer Notes RDD-A NAD Klima RDD 1, 2, 3,4,5,6,7 RDD-B RDD-C 1, 2, 3,4,5,6, 7 RDD-D 1, 2, 3,4,5, 6,7 Note : 1 – 3/8 threated rod will be supplied by contractor. 2 – The color of the diffuser must be selected from the RAL chart 3 – The diffusers perforations are made with a software to meet the performance needs 4- The aluminium suspension rails will be painted the RAL color chosen and supplied by the manufacturer. 5- The rod covers will be painted the RAL color chosen and supplied by the manufactuer. 6- The ducts will be acoustically insolated by the manufacturer. 7- Starter flange included Cliquer sur image pour agrandir

16 Codification of RDD on plans
HOW NAD - RDD duct diffuser Codification of RDD on plans Air flow TAG DIFFUSER RDD-A 85 l/s per section Ø 400 1500 Ø of the duct Length of the duct A- Ø550 85 l/s par section Ø 500 1500 RDD-A 85 l/s par section Ø 400 1500

17 Codification HOW NAD - RDD duct diffuser
Cliquer sur image pour agrandir

18 Specification Available online in word format
HOW NAD - RDD duct diffuser Specification Available online in word format

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