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COSMO-ART, status and delivery

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1 COSMO-ART, status and delivery
Max Bangert, Kristina Lundgren, Rayk Rinke Tanja Stanelle, Bernhard Vogel, Heike Vogel Katrin Zink Institute for Meteorology and Climate Researc KIT – The cooperation of Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH and Universität Karlsruhe (TH)

2 COSMO–ART (ART = Aerosols and Reactive Trace Gases)
Ext. Parameters Vogel et al., 2009, ACPD COSMO-ART, status and delivery

3 Feedback processes realized in COSMO-ART
warm cloud processes COSMO-ART, status and delivery

4 Simulation of an Ambrosia pollen episode
COSMO-ART, status and delivery

5 Average over Three Days
Cloud cover Aerosol mass T (F-R) g m-3 ΔT in K g m-3 ΔT in K COSMO-ART, status and delivery

6 Average over Three Days (Germany)
LC HC AOT 0.172 0.590 ΔEG in W m-2 -5.43 -6.01 ΔT in K -0.10 -0.08 Episode day TR in K (run R) TR in K (run F) ΔTR in K LC 7.63 7.53 -0.10 10.13 9.98 -0.15 11.42 11.25 -0.17 HC 11.31 11.22 -0.09 9.02 8.91 -0.11 2.57 2.39 -0.18 Observed average weekly cycles: ΔT  0.2 K, ΔTR  0.11 K COSMO-ART, status and delivery

7 Changes in Precipitation (17-21 August)
Accumulated (VC) Difference (VC-FC) COSMO-ART, status and delivery

8 Saharan Dust Episode May, 2008
Data from Bingemer and Klein, IAU, University of Frankfurt COSMO-ART, status and delivery

9 People behind COSMO-ART
COSMO-ART, status and delivery

10 COSMO-ART is published at ACPD, Vogel et al. (2009)
COSMO-ART, status and delivery

11 COSMO-ART, status and delivery

12 If you want to use COSMO-ART: You must be an official user of COSMO
You must sign a agreement with IMK for the usage of COSMO-ART (exclusion of commercial use) When 1. and 2. are fullfilled you get access to an ftp server at IMK to get the actual versions of the ART subroutines COSMO-ART, status and delivery

13 COSMO-User Training Course in Spring Notification of bugs
Support: COSMO-User Training Course in Spring Notification of bugs Scientific support No technical support COSMO-ART, status and delivery

14 Current users outside of IMK:
MeteoSwiss (pollen), Mathias Rotach and team EMPA, Laboratory for Air Pollution / Environmental Technology, Dübendorf Christph Knote: Air pollution studies, support for regional climate simulations at ETH COSMO-ART, status and delivery

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