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Kei Chibazakura and Nathan Harger

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1 Kei Chibazakura and Nathan Harger
Human Body Simulator Kei Chibazakura and Nathan Harger

2 Purpose To play around with Prof. Kelvin Sung and make him dance!
To explore many different combinations of human body parts Aiming to provide a seamless, minimal UI Will not be adding the XForm GUI



5 Creating Body Parts There will be an Inventory of body parts off of the screen. Dragging one, or clicking one and clicking on the canvas will let you "stamp" the body part onto the canvas Total of 14 body parts “Body Part Selector” GUI with a graphical list of all body parts Shows current selection Includes “Erase mode” selector

6 Body Model Torso defines a person.
All body parts are children of the torso Each body part is a scene node Torso has 5 places to put body parts: neck arm sockets leg sockets. Body parts snap to anchor points.

7 Manipulating Body Parts
Parts can be manipulated from pivot points, or be transformed Transformation functionality similar to MP5 Body parts that have children (e.g. thigh->calf->foot) will all transform together

8 Deleting Body Parts A delete tool that can select body parts individually or be dragged to select multiple parts at once

9 Stick Person Mode Window showing inner connections between body parts in a person. X-ray When secondary view is overlapping main view the pivots and connecting lines are shown in the viewport

10 “Dancing” Feature Can select from a list of “dance moves” that will make all objects on the screen move to imitate the person dancing Can click on a “Random Dance” button to make all objects move randomly

11 Possible extensions in the future
Import pictures of other people and define their body parts Import clothes that can snap on top of body parts Adds to the scene node Make your own dance move animation by taking many keyframes of different positions and animating them over time

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