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By: Fasha Hayes, Gurveen Bal, and Shashon Blueford

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1 By: Fasha Hayes, Gurveen Bal, and Shashon Blueford
Harper Lee By: Fasha Hayes, Gurveen Bal, and Shashon Blueford

2 About Harper Lee Nelle Harper Lee Born in Monoroeville, Alabama
Went to Oxford University, Huntington College, and University of Alabama Only wrote "To Kill A Mockingbird" Harper Lee's first name is Nelle Harper Lee. Her first name is her grandmothers first name spelt backwards. Harper Lee was born in April 28, 1926 and Monroeville, Alabama. She went to school in Oxford University, Huntington College, and University of Alabama. Lee had only made one novel called "To Kill A Mockingbird." She didn't write anymore novels because she said "When you have a hit like that you can't go anywhere ,but down."

3 Family Youngest of 4 Father was a lawyer
Mother stayed home cause she was very ill Her mother had suffered mental illness Harper Lee had two sisters and 1 brother. She is the youngest of 4. Father was a lawyer and attended Alabama State. Her mother stayed home because she was very ill. She had suffered from a mental illness and was believed that she had a bipolar disorder. 

4 Early Life In high school, she got interest in english liteature
Went to Huntington College in Montgomery She wanted to become a writer. In high school, she had got interest in English Literature. Lee had graduated high school in 1944 and went to Huntington College in Montgomery. She was very focused on her schoolwork and wrote for the school newspaper . She went to law school but then dropped out and went to Oxford to become a writer.

5 Writing " To Kill A Mockingbird" and contributers to it.
In 1949 moved to New York to pursue her dreams as a writer There she met her childhood friend and neighbor Truman Capote He introduced her to Broadway Composer and Lyricist Michael Martin Brown 1956 the Browns supported her for a year so she can write full time Michael helped her find an agent, and then she published her first and only book. Truman Capote 1949 went to New York to Pursue dreams. She then met her childhood friend Truman Capote. He introduced her to Michael Martin Brown and his wife Joy. The Browns played a key role in helping Lee create her novel because they supported her for year so she could write full time. Michael also found an agent for her.

6 Publishing "To Kill A Mockingbird"
Published on July 1960, was picked up by Book-Of-The-Month Club and the Literary Guild. It appeared in "Reader's Digest" magazine That same year the book was published Lee won The Pulitizer Prize for it. 1962 the book was made into a screen play. In July of 1960 it was published. Her book was quickly a best seller and even won the Pulitizer Prize. In 1962, To Kill a Mockingbird became a screen play.

7 Did she really write "To Kill A Mockingbird"
There were rumors that Harper Lee didn't write the novel. Society thought her childhood friend Truman Capote wrote it But ulitimately it was proven that Harper Lee wrote the book. There are many speculations that Harper Lee did not really write To Kill a Mockingbird and that her friend, Capote Truman did. But these rumors were not proven true and the majority of people believe it is her work.

8 Lee's Biggest Influence
According to Lee her novel wasn't autobiographical. But majority of people believe that her biggest influence is her family She experienced a discrimanational case in her childhood that her father was a handling because he was a lawyer. People believe her biggest influence is family, but Lee claims says that it is not an autobiographical . She based her book off a similar case she experienced in her childhood that her dad handled cause he was a lawyer.

9 Purpose of Lee writing the novel?
The purpose of the novel is to "touch on" the topic of injustice of racial discrimination in the 1930's. The novel includes moral advice;primarily given through thoughts and talks given by Atticus. To highlight racial discrimination in 1930's, Novel includes moral advice.

10 After Life of Harper Lee
After she wrote the novel, she moved back to Alabama. She lives there quietly and privately. ( Makes occasional appearances) Has not granted an interview since 1964 Last Public appearance in an award ceremony in 2007 Doesn't socialize much anymore. She said she stopped writing more books because when you hit such a good hit like that you can't go anywhere but down. Moved back to Alabama Lives privately. Appears occasionally last seen in 2007, doesn't socialize Stopped writing books because when you hit such a good hit like that you can't go anywhere but down.

11 Works Cited "Nelle Harper Lee", September 3, 2014 " Harper Lee Biography" Cliff, September 3, 2014 Gilbert, Jim "Harper's Lee's " MockingBird": Did she write it, or didn't she?", September 4,2014 " What influenced Harper Lee to write the novel "To kill a Mockingbird" September 4,2014

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