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Speed Blazer Technique

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Presentation on theme: "Speed Blazer Technique"— Presentation transcript:

1 Speed Blazer Technique
How to Blaze at 2500 Words Per Hour

2 The Ultimate Goal More Words a Minute! Primary: Increase Writing Speed
Secondary: Cut down on inefficient time usage Less time wasted More focus on productive writing

3 Primary Strategy Points
Reduce the Need to Think Efficient use of time Hard Goals Hard Time Limits

4 Reducing the Need to Think
The theory The need to “think” (IE, plan) before you put words on paper is a terrible waste of time. You stop, write, think, stop, write, think. This comes down with time efficiency rules (more in a minute)

5 Reducing the Need to Think
Writing vs Thinking Ratio Draft Writing: Near 100% writing Take a step back: Scene Outlining, 60% writing, 40% thinking Take a step back: In depth plotting 60% thinking, 40% writing Take a step back: Plot outlining 70% thinking, 30% writing

6 Productive Time Efficiency
Your brain has a “start up” function that takes about 15 minutes to get active. Warm up exercises in many fields are designed to take advantage of this warm up time. What do you usually exercise? Music? Scales and warmups A sport? Shooting hoops, passing, running, etc.

7 “The Zone” Why do we warm up? What is this optimal brain activity?
When you’re in the zone, activities flow freely. You work easier and faster, better quality work, and so forth However!

8 Switching Gears When you stop one main activity, and replace it with another, it can take up to 15 minutes for your brain to readjust to the new activity! Switching even slightly different activities(writing/editing, or plotting/writing) will cause the brain to reset. This dramatically increase the time it takes to write!

9 Solution? Group similar related tasks Chunk into 50 minute sessions.
Rotate break sessions Start with a half hour exercise period (writing, planning, plotting, etc)

10 Hard Goals Nebulous goals won’t get stuff accomplished
Write 1 book in a year…won’t happen Write one 60,000 word book in 3 months. Write one 60k word book in 3 months, with 10,000 word milestones every 2 weeks. (BEST)

11 Time Limits Similar to a hard goal, you HAVE to set time limits on the activity you will be doing. “Get X chapter done in an hour” One hour to get to writing – if your scene plot is already laid out, then you can easily do it! Set rewards for yourself

12 The GOAL 10,000 words by Thursday Can you do it?
Thursday at 5 PM Eastern!

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