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Meet the Teacher Night September 14, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Meet the Teacher Night September 14, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet the Teacher Night September 14, 2017
Team Teachers: Mrs. Rogozinski, social studies/science Mrs. Kramer, ELA Ms. Exler, math Mrs. Tanda, ELA/math Mrs. Braden, math

2 Student Textbook Log-in
Reading Student Textbook Log-in Link located within the resource tab when logged onto the district web site (at school only) and also in student portal under Language Arts. Student Log-in/Password – last name, first initial, middle initial and student six digit ID number. This is the same log-in and password used when logging onto to the school computers, purchasing lunch, checking out library books, etc. Student Text Access

3 Reading Potential Novel Studies:
Selection from a wide variety of student selected WW II/Holocaust novels including The Diary of Anne Frank, and a novel set during the Dust Bowl and Great Depression, Out of the Dust. Independent Novels: Students will be assigned a quarterly reading genre and will be required to complete an independent book project. Genre selections include: non-fiction (area of student interest), science fiction, mystery, historical fiction, biography/autobiography, adventure, animal, and free - choice

4 Social Studies Regions studied: Latin America, Africa, Europe, and Asia Content: geography, government, history, culture, and economics

5 Social Studies Mrs. Rogozinski's Website
The link is located in the student portal under Social Studies

6 Science Encompasses 27 weeks of Earth Science * Rocks and Minerals
* Studying Soil Scientifically * Rocks and Minerals * Erosion and Deposition * Plate Tectonics * Weather and Atmosphere

7 Science Science Student Textbook Log-in
The link is located in the student portal under Science

8 Math Overview Concepts TenMarks Online book

9 Health Two units of study Drug/alcohol/tobacco/steroids awareness
occurring the week of October 23 during RRW Reproductive and immune systems (includes HIV/AIDS instruction) Teen Health Course 1 Glencoe Publishing Personal hygiene

10 Reality Tour
HMS 6th Grade/Reality Tour Partnership Video

11 Policies and Expectations
absences homework preparation extra credit student expectations

12 Technology ClassDojo Technology Use SV Portal Team Website Office 365

13 Miscellaneous November Parent-Teacher Conferences
Activity and Enrichment Time RR Period

14 Thank you for attending
Meet the Teacher Night!

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