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Stop Action Animation Mr. Kaczynski August 18th, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Stop Action Animation Mr. Kaczynski August 18th, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stop Action Animation Mr. Kaczynski August 18th, 2014

2 Definition STOP ACTION animation refers to the incremental change in motion through the use of a digital camera and computer. The camera is started and stopped. During that time, the animator changes the position of their objects one frame at a time, until the animation is complete.

3 What Can Be Animated? What can be animated using Stop Action?
Clay Figures Paper Cut-Outs Legos Action Figures Food Sand Anything your imagination can put in front of the camera!

4 What You Will Need An Idea Camera Computer/Editing Software Extras
- Plan of Progress - Storyboards - Take the pictures Compile the pictures, and export to video - Music - Timing

5 The MOST important part of any project!
Pre-Production The MOST important part of any project! Plan of Progress Brainstorm; Formulate your ideas Storyboarding Make a plan and layout the details If you use your time wisely during this phase, I GUARANTEE your project will be easier to accomplish, and more successful in the end.

6 Animation to Video Things to be aware of when shooting your animation.
Video displays at 30 frames per second. One shot from the camera can cover three frames per second. One second of video (30 frames) will hold 10 individual camera shots. 30 seconds of video will contain 300 individual camera shots.

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