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I494: Designing and Developing an Information System

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1 I494: Designing and Developing an Information System
Week 8 October 14, 2013

2 Please sit together with your team today

3 Outline Admin Midterm Requirements Data requirements

4 Practice on Wednesday Keep an eye on your about where to go on Wednesday! Practice activities this week: Start figuring out exactly what features/functionality your project will contain Start gathering requirements!

5 Matt I will be gone this Thursday and Friday for fall break.
I will still have my office hours as normal on Wednesday.

6 Communication PLEASE use regular IU for all correspondence in this course. I do not see Oncourse messages unless I specifically look for them, which rarely happens

7 Upcoming Assignments Team Prioritized Feature List
Due Tuesday, October 8th by 5pm One submission per team Team Basic Use Case List Due Tuesday, October 15th by 5pm Midterm Exam Team Full Use Cases Due Tuesday, October 28th by 5pm Tomorrow Next Week

8 Research Papers Grades are being posted now
If you received a B- or lower, you can resubmit your paper by October 25th and receive up to a B.

9 Midterm

10 Midterm In class next Monday (October 21st)
You will have your normal class time to take the exam Worth 10% of your grade for the course. Format: Mostly short answer and essay. Approximately 6 questions You may have one side of a 3”x5” notecard for notes.

11 Midterm Topics Topics to be covered include all material discussed in class so far this semester. Broad topics include: Project planning System development lifecycles Team organization Team management styles Tasks and task management Gantt charts Critical path

12 Midterm Topics Topics to be covered include all material discussed in class so far this semester. Broad topics include: Requirements Qualities of a good requirement Types of requirements Elicitation Tools: Use cases Data flow diagrams Context diagram Analysis Specification Requirements documentation

13 Requirements

14 Classic Waterfall The Problem Concept
What we need to do to solve the problem Requirements How we will solve the problem Design Build the solution Construct Test Deploy Verify that we have solved the problem Problem solved

15 Capstone Mantra “Plan the work, then work the plan”

16 Tool: Use Cases Allows a team to elicit requirements by analyzing a sequence of interactions between a user role and the system. Objective is to describe all tasks that any user role will need to perform within the system.

17 Defining Data Requirements
Context Diagram Data Flow Diagram

18 Context Diagram High-level diagram that shows the entire system and the data flows between it and external entities Abstract! Complexity of the system is hidden Easy to understand. System is represented by a circle External entities (terminators) are rectangles Data flows are represented by arrows

19 Context Diagram

20 Data Flow Diagram Context diagrams are limited High level, abstract
Simplistic Data flow diagrams help us identify all of the functions of the system down to a very low level. Layered approach

21 Data Flow Diagrams Components: Processes that transform data
Represented by circles Takes input and produces output. External entities (terminators) Represented by rectangles Data flows Represented by arrows Directional arrows indicate a read, insert, or update Data stores Represented by horizontal lines or ellipses (twinkies)

22 Level 0 Data Flow Diagram

23 Data Flow Diagrams Each diagram should fit easily on a single page. Expand high-level processes into a lower level diagram to capture complexity Limit processes on each diagram to maintain legibility

24 Data Flow Diagrams Processes communicate via data stores, not directly with each other. Sequence is not important Naming: Concise name: verb+object Numbering: Unique numbers for each process Sub-numbers for lower level diagrams.

25 3 levels:

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