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Unit Systems and Dimensional Analysis

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1 Unit Systems and Dimensional Analysis

2 Units of measurement The Fundamental SI Units
Physical Quantity Name of Unit Abbreviation Mass kilogram kg Length meter m Time second s Temperature kelvin K Electric current ampere A Amount of substance mole mol Luminous intensity candela cd SI-derived Unit is an SI unit derived by combining two or more SI base units E.g SI unit of speed.

3 Metric Unit of Mass The Kilogram (kg) Is the SI Unit of mass
Mass ≠ Weight Mass is a measure of the total quantity of mater in an object. Mass does not vary. Weight is the measure of force that gravity exerts on an object. Weight varies with the strength of the gravitational field.

4 Metric Unit of Volume Area is a measure of the extent of a surface. Common units are sq. in. , sq.ft, Volume is a measure of amount os space occupied by an object. It is a three dimentional and thus involves units that have been cubed.

5 Conversion Factor To convert from one unit to another, it is neccesary to use the equivalence statement that relates the two units. A conversion factor is a ratio that specifies how one unit of measurement is related to another unit of measurement. Or simply relationship between two units. 1 min = 60 sec 1 gal = 4qt 1yd = 3ft

6 Dimensional Analysis Arrange conversion factors so the starting unit cancels

7 Systematic Approach to Problem Solving
Sort the information from the problem identify the given quantity and unit, the quantity and unit you want to find, any relationships implied in the problem Design a strategy to solve the problem devise a conceptual plan sometimes may want to work backward each step involves a conversion factor or equation solve the problem check that units cancel properly multiply terms across the top and divide by each bottom term Check the answer double-check the set-up to ensure the unit at the end is the one you wished to find check to see that the size of the number is reasonable because centimeters are smaller than inches, converting inches to centimeters should result in a larger number

8 Example #1 A golfer putted a golf ball 6.8 ft across a green. How many inches does this represent? (1ft =12in) Example #2 An iron sample has a mass of 4.50 lb. What is the mass of this sample in grams? (1 kg = lbs; 1 kg = 1000 g) 1). 82

9 Density Mass of substance per unit volume of the substance.
Common units are g/cm3 or g/mL.

10 For equal volumes, denser object has larger mass
For equal masses, denser object has smaller volume Heating an object generally causes it to expand, therefore the density changes with temperature

11 Example 1. 3: Decide if a ring with a mass of 3. 15 g that displaces 0
Example 1.3: Decide if a ring with a mass of 3.15 g that displaces cm3 of water is platinum Write down the given quantities and the quantity you want to find Given: Find: Equation: mass = 3.15 g volume = cm3 density, g/cm3 Find the equation that relates the given quantity to the quantity you want to find Solve the equation for the quantity you want to find, check the units are correct, then substitute and compute Compare to accepted value of the intensive property Density of platinum = 21.4 g/cm3 therefore not platinum

12 Temperature Scales Temperature is the measure of hotness or coldness of an object Fahrenheit scale, °F used in the U.S. Celsius scale, °C used in all other countries Kelvin scale, K 0 K = absolute zero

13 Fahrenheit vs. Celsius A Celsius degree is 1.8 times larger than a Fahrenheit degree The standard used for 0° on the Fahrenheit scale is a lower temperature than the standard used for 0° on the Celsius scale

14 Kelvin vs. Celsius The size of a “degree” on the Kelvin scale is the same as on the Celsius scale The 0 standard on the Kelvin scale is a much lower temperature than on the Celsius scale

15 Example 1.2: Convert 40.00 °C into K and °F
Find the equation that relates the given quantity to the quantity you want to find Given: Find: Equation: 40.00 °C K K = °C Because the equation is solved for the quantity you want to find, substitute and compute K = °C K = K = K Find the equation that relates the given quantity to the quantity you want to find Given: Find: Equation: 40.00 °C °F Solve the equation for the quantity you want to find Substitute and compute

16 Common Prefix Multipliers in the SI System

17 Common Units and Their Equivalents
Length 1 kilometer (km) = mile (mi) 1 meter (m) 39.37 inches (in.) 1.094 yards (yd) 1 foot (ft) 30.48 centimeters (cm) 1 inch (in.) 2.54 centimeters (cm) exactly

18 Common Units and Their Equivalents
Mass 1 kilogram (km) = 2.205 pounds (lb) 1 pound (lb) grams (g) 1 ounce (oz) 28.35 grams (g) Volume 1 liter (L) = 1000 milliliters (mL) 1000 cubic centimeters (cm3) 1.057 quarts (qt) 1 U.S. gallon (gal) 3.785 liters (L)

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