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Unit 2 Biochemistry 2.4 Macromolecules.

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1 Unit 2 Biochemistry 2.4 Macromolecules

2 Macromolecules of Life
Found in all living things Building blocks of all cells Made up of the atoms: Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulfur.

3 Macromolecules Contain Carbon
Carbon is unique because it contains 4 valence electrons. Each carbon can make four covalent bonds with other types of atoms or additional Carbons. This allows Carbon to create many different structures, which allow for different functions. 1:50-4:45

4 Building Blocks of Life
A single macromolecule is called a monomer Mono=one Mer=molecule When you combine monomers, you get bigger molecules called polymers. Poly=many The prefix mono- and poly- are applied to all macromolecules to describe the individual building blocks and the larger molecules.

Here are some analogies to better understand what polymers and monomers are…. EXAMPLE of POLYMER MONOMER A TRAIN ? A NECKLACE If the train is the whole polymer, what would be the small groups that make up the train? If the necklace is the polymer, what are the monomers that make up the necklace?

6 Dehydration Synthesis
Ways to Form Polymers Dehydration Synthesis: removes water to join monomers to form a polymer. It’s a chemical reaction: Monomer Monomer  Polymer + H2O Dehydration Synthesis

7 Ways to Break Apart Polymers
Hydrolysis: breaks the bonds in a polymer by adding water to create monomers. It’s also a chemical reaction: Polymer H2O  Monomer Monomer Hydrolysis

8 Macromolecules Molecule Elements Building Blocks Function Examples
Carbohydrates C, H, & O Monosaccharide Short-term energy and structure Glucose, starch, cellulose

9 Macromolecules Molecule Elements Building Blocks Function Examples
Lipids C, H, & O Glycerol + Fatty Acid Long-term energy, insulation, protection, and steroids Cholesterol, hormones, wax, cell membrane

10 Macromolecules Molecule Elements Building Blocks Function Examples
Proteins C, H, O, & N Amino acids Structure and enzymes (speed up chemical reactions) Hemoglobin, hair, insulin, lactase

11 Macromolecules Molecule Elements Building Blocks Function Examples
Nucleic Acid C, H, O, N, & P Nucleotides Holds the genetic code RNA, DNA

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