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Wednesday, Feb 26th, 2014 Did you know…

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1 Wednesday, Feb 26th, 2014 Did you know…
The femur (thigh bone) is the largest & longest bone in the human body. The jaw is the strongest muscle in the human body in terms of exerting force.

2 Cell Basic unit of life          

3 Cells Discovered Long Ago
What technology made discovery of cells possible? Development of microscopes

4 Hans & Zacharias Janssen (1595)
1st compound microscope Spectacle makers

5 Robert Hooke (1665) 1st person to observe & name cells
Thin slices of cork from tree Dead cells (only cell walls remained) Named after monastery cells

6 Cork being harvested

7 To remember Robert Hooke…

8 Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1674)
drops of pond water & bacteria from his mouth Saw tiny moving orgs Named“animalcules”

9 Matthias Schleiden (1838) German botanist
Botany = plants Stated: ALL plants are made of cells

10 To remember Matthias Schleiden…

11 Theodor Schwann (1839) German zoologist
Zoology = animals Stated: ALL animals are made of cells

12 To remember Theodor Schwann…
Swans are animals!

13 Rudolf Virchow (1855) German pathologist
Pathology = diseases Stated: ALL cells come from pre-existing cells Pronounced veer-coh

14 The Cell Theory ALL living things must meet ALL 3 RULES:
All living things are made of cells Cells are the basic units of living things Living cells only come from pre- existing living cells of-cell-theory

15 Prokaryote Eukaryote Large & complex Small & simple Multicellular
Has membrane-bound organelles (i.e., has nucleus) Genetic info (in nucleus) Need oxygen Examples: plants, animals, fungi, protists Small & simple Unicellular Lacks membrane-bound organelles (i.e., no nucleus) Genetic info (not in a nucleus) Don’t need oxygen Examples: bacteria

16 Prokaryotes Remember: Primitive Prokaryotes!

17 Eukaryotes Remember: YOU carry a nucleus

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