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AD spending and new media Internet and Web measurement

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1 AD spending and new media Internet and Web measurement

2 AD Spending Source: Nielsen-februar 2008

3 Global advertising expenditure by medium (in US$ million)

4 Source: Zenith Optimedia

5 Top 10 Advertising Markets
2007. 2010. Country Ad Expenditure US million USA 179,251 194,063 Japan 41,528 43,875 UK 23,321 27,861 Germany 21,676 China 24,266 15,023 22,678 France 12,881 Russia 17,205 Italy 11,227 Brazil 14,223 Spain 9,847 13,486 9,703 12,319 South Korea 9,701 11,796

6 The ten fastest-growing ad markets
2009 vs 2006. Growth (%) Serbia 308.8 Quatar 214.7 Kazakhstan 164.1 Egypt 117.7 UAE 108.9 Russia 108.3 Ukraine 100.5 Moldova 97.1 Belarus 96.8 Romania 93.0

7 Serbia - Advertising expenditure by medium
+67% +30% +23% +19% +21% Source: AGB

8 Advertising expenditure
Region Internet usage- Advertising Expenditure 2007 Number of inhabitants Internet Users (in million) Advertising expenditure (in million euro) Romania 5,0 5,2 Bulgaria 1.8 5.8 Serbia 1,4 1,2 Croatia 1.5 6,0

9 New Media Web Measurement

10 Towards New Media 1914. Founded the first ABC in USA.
1931. Founded the first ABC in Europe - ABC UK. 1996. The 17 IFABC General Assembly held in Washington, DC, unanimously agreed to establish a Standards Committee for the development of a common set of minimum measurement and reporting standards for use by its members for World Wide Web traffic verification. 2004. Begininig of web measurement project IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau), IFABC and other organisations, starting with the definitions and procedures of web measurement. February formation of Media Measurement Integration Task Force (MMITF). The mission of the Task Force is " to explore and communicate the opportunities to measure and report newspaper audiences across multiple platforms to newspaper industry stakeholders.“ November ABC USA launched FAX Data Publication (Circulation+Visits+Readership) and ABC UK launched GPR (Integration of several data Circulation+Visits)

11 Web Measurement Web Measerment is esential for advertisers and adv. Agencies for media planing and media bying decision. ABC certified data delivers transparent, credible and comparable figures on which to base your decisions. Certified data provides advertisers, sponsors and other investors in business with independent verification of the claims Media owner is making; this enables Media owners to support their business case with transparent, credible and comparable data. Media owner can demonstrate to their clients, advertisers and media buyers, the value of investing in online business, and to provide sales team with credible data thus delivering a clear competitive advantage that they can use when persuading advertisers to invest in online business. ABCe works on behalf of the industry to manage standards for electronic media measurement so that every part of the industry can have confidence in the data they use. ABC is independent, industry owned, not-for-profit organisation.

12 Web Measurement Using client-side data colection (Page Tags)
Using server-side data colection (Logfiles) Hybrid method Combining both web logs with page tags Other methods NDC (Network Data Collection) – gather web traffic data from routers into “black box” appliances API/Loadable Module – programs that extend capabilities of the web server

13 What is measured? Page Impression Unique Users Visits Visit Duration
Search Stream Stream Duration Ad Impression Automated Page Impression Ad Click Ad User And more than 30 other information...

14 What is the Future? Traditional Media Measurement as we known today will disappear Web measurement will track more: -Digital trails, search engines, etc. -Social Networks -Portable Multi-functional devices -And any kind of one-on-one communication in any form imaginable...and not imaginable

15 ABC Srbija

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