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The Cell Theory.

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1 The Cell Theory

2                                                                                                                               Schwann Schleiden Virchow CELL THEORY A theory resulting from many scientists’ observations & conclusions

3 CELL THEORY 1. The basic unit of life is the cell. (Hooke)
In 1665, an English scientist named Robert Hooke made an improved microscope and viewed thin slices of cork viewing plant cell walls Hooke named what he saw "cells"

4 CELL THEORY 2. All living things are made of 1 or more cells.
Matthias Schleiden (botanist studying plants) Theodore Schwann (zoologist studying animals) stated that all living things were made of cells Schwann Schleiden

5 CELL THEORY 3. All cells divide & come from old cells. (Virchow)

6 COMPARING CELLS The size & shape of a cell relates to its function. (job it does)

7 What do all cells have in common?

8 COMMON CELL TRAITS A cell is the smallest unit that is capable of performing life functions.

9 CELL MEMBRANE Outer covering, protective layer around ALL cells
For cells with cell walls,the cell membrane is inside the cell wall Allows food, oxygen, & water into the cell & waste products out of the cell.

10 CYTOPLASM gelatin-like inside cell membrane constantly flows
aka protoplasm

11 ORGANELLES Many different types!

12 DNA All cells have DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
It’s the cells genetic material. In other words it is what makes up the cell, and gives it the ability to reproduce.

13 2 Types of Cells

14 Prokaryotic Cells (proh KAYR ee yah tihk)
No Nucleus cells without membrane-bound structures EX: bacteria pond scum

15 Eukaryotic Cells (yew KAYR ee yah tihk)
Has a Nucleus cells with membrane-bound structures EX: animals, plants, fungi and protists

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