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Section 3-1 “Cells”.

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1 Section 3-1 “Cells”

2 KEY CONCEPT: Cells are the Basic unit of life.

3 Many scientists contributed to the cell theory.
The cell theory grew out of the work of many scientists and improvements in the microscope. Many scientists contributed to the cell theory.

4 Robert Hooke: 1665 - First to identify cells and named them “cells.”
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek: 1674 – Made more powerful lenses. Able to view living cells – greater detail. Matthias Scheiden: 1838 – First to propose that plants are made of cells. Theodor Schwann: 1839 – Published theory that all living things are made of cells. Rudolf Virchow: 1855 – Proposed that all cells come from preexisting cells.

5 The Cell Theory: 1. All organisms are made of cells

6 2. All existing cells are produced by other living cells

7 3. The cell is the most basic unit of life

8 All cells share certain characteristics:
Cells tend to be microscopic. All cells are enclosed by a membrane. All cells are filled with cytoplasm. cell membrane Bacterium (colored SEM; magnification 8800x) cytoplasm

9 There are two cell types: 1. Eukaryotic cells: Have a nucleus
Have membrane bound organelles Usually multi-cellular Example: plants, animals nucleus organelles cell membrane

10 2. Prokaryotic cells: Do not have a nucleus Do not have membrane-bound organelles Usually single-celled Example: bacteria cell membrane cytoplasm







17 Overview of the Cell Structure Golgi Apparatus / Protein Modification
Videos Overview of the Cell Structure Golgi Apparatus / Protein Modification

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