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Unweighted and Weighted

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1 Unweighted and Weighted
GPA The grade point average, more commonly known as the GPA, is calculated for all students in two different ways: Unweighted and Weighted

2 Unweighted GPA An unweighted GPA is calculated for every student beginning with the first high school course a student takes, including those taken in middle school, and is calculated on a traditional 4.0 scale. Scale 90 – 100 = 4.0 80 – 89 = 3.0 70 – 79 = 2.0 0 – 69 = 0.0 The unweigheted GPA is calculated using ALL high school courses, no matter what the subject.

3 Weighted GPA A weighted GPA is calculated for all students based on a scale which gives a higher weight to upper level courses, and it is used for class ranking. Scale AP Courses = up to 7 points Pre-AP Courses = up to 6 points Regular courses = up to 5 points * The weighted GPA is calculated using only courses in the following subject areas: English, Math, Science, Social Studies (including Economics), and Foreign language. ANY course which falls under these subject areas, (ex. Communication Applications, Psychology, Debate, yearbook, etc.) and grades earned in these courses during middle school, WILL also be included in the weighted GPA, and therefore will affect the class rank.


5 Importance of GPA It is a quick indicator to colleges of your academic stamina. It is one of the main criteria looked at on college applications. It is a snapshot encompassing your time in high school in one element. It is a quick indicator to employers and military of your potential as a member of their organization.

6 Rigorous Coursework A student should select the most rigorous courses he/she is capable of completing. Colleges will look for rigor. (However, beware of overloading your student in the 9th grade year)

7 PreAP and AP What are the Benefits?
Aids in college admission at selective institutions AP classes can help you earn college credits through AP Exams (AP Exam taken at end of year. Score must be at a certain level, which is determined by each individual institution, to receive credit) Weighted at the highest level, which can help increase class rank

8 Dual Credit What are the Benefits?
Introduction to college courses while in the high school setting Helps get a head start on college credits (College credit guaranteed at all Texas public colleges by earning a “B” (80 or better) in the course) Earn high school and college credit at the same time Weighted at the PreAP level, which can help increase class rank

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