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Welcome to Year Two.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year Two."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year Two

2 Uniform expectations

3 All children in Year Two will have PE on twice a week
All children in Year Two will have PE on twice a week. Wallaby Class - Tuesday and Wednesday Otter Class - Monday and Tuesday On days children have PE they are allowed to wear their PE kit to school, it needs to try and be unbranded clothing. They must wear their school jumper or cardigan to school.

4 The School Day


6 Behaviour – Expectations and Rewards

7 EASTON CE ACADEMY BEHAVIOUR REWARDS Merits House Points Star Certificates Jump Trip

8 The School Week

9 Curriculum overview Here are the topics covered in Year Two over the year. Each topic has a particular subject focus for example, Geography, History, Art and Design Technology.

10 Curriculum overview Here are the six science topic areas covered in Year 2. There are either weekly lessons or in two week blocks depending on the Science unit.

11 Literacy year overview

12 Homework and Reading We believe that homework plays an important role in children’s learning and in developing an effective partnership with parents and carers. Our expectation is that children should read at home with an adult at least 5 times a week. The adult should date, sign and make a comment each time the child is heard reading in the home school reading diary. In school the child will be heard reading at least once a week


14 Sounds write We teach daily phonics focusing on a specific sound for two weeks. We will be sending home spellings on a Friday that will be tested the following Friday relating to the sounds learnt in class.

15 T4W inc story maps Literacy at Easton CE Academy is taught through “Talk 4 Writing”. This involves the children learning to tell stories and non fiction texts by using actions and story maps to help them learn the texts. Once the children become expert storytellers, they begin to use new and adventurous language in their writing and have a better understanding of how to write for a range of purposes.

16 Maths Maths is taught daily. Over the year we will cover calculation, place value, shape, time and measure. The homework set each week will reflect that week’s area of learning and will give children the chance to consolidate what they have learnt. It will be relating to the stage of the Maths Challenge they are on.

17 Wider curriculum In addition to Science and Topic, we will be teaching PSHE and RE. Children in Year 2 will have many opportunities to enjoy cooking, as part of our cooking curriculum within the school. We will also be going on exciting school trips this year.

18 Parent Volunteers We would like to invite you to play an active role in our school community and if you are able to volunteer we would welcome the contribution you can make. Some things you might help with are: Reading support Helping with cookery lessons Going on school trips

19 AOB related to your class
Please ensure that the office has an up-to-date contact number for you. Please also ensure that your teacher is aware of who can collect your child.

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