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Outcomes and Evidence Based Programming

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Presentation on theme: "Outcomes and Evidence Based Programming"— Presentation transcript:

1 Outcomes and Evidence Based Programming
Welcome to: Outcomes and Evidence Based Programming

2 What are Performance Measures?
Performance measures are statements that quantitatively describe the direct products and services delivered by a program (outputs), as well as the impact of those products and services (outcomes) Performance measurement is a tool to help understand, manage and improve what organization and programs do – are the goals being met?

3 Two types of Performance Measures
Output measures – what the program will do to effect change in the targeted constituencies Outcome measures – what is the impact of the program? Always involves some level of change related to knowledge, attitudes, capacity, opinions, policies or behavior – that result from the outputs of the program

4 With out Performance Meausres
Do what we’ve done.. Hope it works, try harder, hope it works. Sometimes feel frustrated with the target because we’re sure working hard!

5 Performance Measures help to target your efforts.

6 What are your Performance Measures?
Are they realistic and SMART? Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time - bound Now let’s do the Logic Model Exercise

7 Quick walk through of the Logic Model…
Program: _____(name)________________ Situation: Needs and assets Symptoms versus problems Local dynamics What is our fit – what do we do? – what can we do? - What can’t we do? Responsible members of the communities in which we serve. Is the project sustainable?

8 Inputs What resources do you have to put into the project? Staff
Volunteers Time Money Materials Equipment Technology Partners

9 Assumptions What do we assume will happen, is happing, and will happen as a result.

10 Outputs Activities/Participation
What we do Who do we reach Who will participate

11 What will change because of the project?
Outcomes -- Impact Short Medium Long

12 External Factors What is taking place in the community, Corps, etc.

13 Let’s review how Outcomes are developed:
5 elements What is going to change or be accomplished through the program How Much change will occur? Who will achieve the change or accomplish the task? When will the change or accomplishment occur? How Do We Know the change occurred?

14 More on Outcomes Outcome measures describe changes in knowledge, perception, performance, or quality – or - attitudes, beliefs or behavior Outcomes can be difficult to measure, especially if the program is short-term in nature. Specifications of shorter-term, intermediate and long-term are useful in defining outcomes.

15 4 Steps for constructing Performance Measures
Identify program outputs and outcomes Identify measurement strategies Identify quantitative targets for each output/outcome of interest Write up and evaluate your measures

16 Evidence Informed… Evidence-informed is an approach to decision making that is well-informed by the best available research evidence.

17 Questions????? Thank You!

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