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Tueday’s puzzle: Take the number of your fingers (10) multiplied by the number of your toes (10) divided by one half and add it to the number of months.

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Presentation on theme: "Tueday’s puzzle: Take the number of your fingers (10) multiplied by the number of your toes (10) divided by one half and add it to the number of months."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tueday’s puzzle: Take the number of your fingers (10) multiplied by the number of your toes (10) divided by one half and add it to the number of months in a year. What is the total?

2 Find how many two door steel cabinets are there on the
Maths Treasure Hunt Tueday’s Challenge Find how many two door steel cabinets are there on the corridors.

3 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year Poster Competition
Junior Cert Maths Poster Competition for all 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Year students. Make an A3 or A4 sized poster on any Maths topic. Give your poster to your Maths teacher by 1.00 on Friday. The winning entry will receive a €25 iTunes gift card.

4 Wednesday @ 1.15 in the Library
Suduko Challenge in the Library

5 PRISM Challenge 3.40

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