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2 By Amy, Ayaat, Yağmur, Micheil, Haydorh, Kristian and Nesibe.

3 We go to school to learn English so we can write
We go to school to learn English so we can write. speak and read and use this english when we grow up. We make friends and we play many games. We come to school to learn rules and to learn how to have good behaviour.

4 Why we go to school We go to school to learn, to play with our friends, to have fun and to have many different experiences. In school we learn how to write in English and how to read in English in different ways. We need to practise English at school and at home so we will learn quickly.

5 In schools we can make friends
In schools we can make friends. We have to be respectful to our friends so we have many friends. We can have fun outside but we can also have fun in classes. We can play to learn and practise English. In schools we have many experiences. For example, we go to camp at the start of the year. At camp we did rock climbing. We also have Pyjama Day, Harmony Day, Cross Country and Interschool Sport.

6 Mainstream classes In school we learn many different subjects. Some, we learn with our classroom teacher and some we learn when we go to specialists. In our class we learn Maths. We learn about fractions and angles and many different Maths skills. In English we learn how to communicate, read, write and spell with words and pictures.

7 Specialists In specialists we learn Sports, Art and Spanish. When we do Sport we do Cross Country and Athletics. We do some Art, too. In art we learned about Pablo Picasso and Hokusai. Pablo Picasso and Hokusai were famous artists. They both drew amazing and beautiful pictures. We also learn Spanish. In Spanish we learn how to speak and write. We perform acts of the stories we make up by ourselves in the Spanish language.

8 School Rules In school the rules are so important so we do not have chaos (out of control, crazy behaviour). We have rules for three reasons. The first reason is about having respectful behaviour in class. You must put your hand up to speak. You can’t hit or fight with other children. There is no running in the corridors. You can not swing on your chair.

9 School Rules The second rule is about when we go outside.There are rules to keep us safe. At lunch time we go outside and we need to share the playground with other children. We play with children from the same unit as us. You can’t run out of school. The third rule is about the teacher. We have to listen to our teachers. We should do our work. You talk to each other and to your teachers nicely.

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