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Ions! SNC2D.

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Presentation on theme: "Ions! SNC2D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ions! SNC2D

2 The Why of Ions Atoms are most stable (and therefore happy) when they have ?

3 The Why of Ions Atoms are most stable (and therefore happy) when they have full outer shells.

4 The How of Ions Atoms that have fewer electrons in their outer shells than it would take to fill that shell will preferentially lose electrons.

5 The How of Ions E.g. Sodium has 1 valence electron.
It would need to gain 7 to fill that shell. So it loses 1 instead. It now has fewer shells, but the last one is full.

6 The How of Ions Because sodium has lost a negatively-charged electron, it now has a ?

7 The How of Ions Because sodium has lost a negatively-charged electron, it now has a positive charge. Positively-charged ions are called cations.

8 The How of Ions The elements that form positively-charged ions are metals.

9 Valence Charge The charge on an ion is said to be its valence charge, or simply valence. E.g. The valence of sodium is ?

10 Valence Charge The charge on an ion is said to be its valence charge, or simply valence. E.g. The valence of sodium is +1 or 1+. Let’s look at some more metal ions

11 Valence Practice Given the following Bohr diagrams, what will the valence of the ions be?

12 Valence Practice Given the following Bohr diagrams, what will the valence of the ions be?

13 Valence Practice Given the following Bohr diagrams, what will the valence of the ions be?

14 Valence Practice Given the following Bohr diagrams, what will the valence of the ions be?

15 Valence Practice Given the following Bohr diagrams, what will the valence of the ions be?

16 Valence Practice Given the following Bohr diagrams, what will the valence of the ions be?

17 Valence Charge Note that sodium and lithium, both in the 1st column, have a valence of 1+. And magnesium and calcium, both in the 2nd column, have a valence of 2+. Since elements in the same column or family on the periodic table have the same number of ?

18 Valence Charge Note that sodium and lithium, both in the 1st column, have a valence of 1+. And magnesium and calcium, both in the 2nd column, have a valence of 2+. Since elements in the same column or family on the periodic table have the same number of valence electrons, they will typically form ions in the same way and have the same valence charge.

19 Valence Charge Some metals can form ions in two different ways and have two possible valences; these metals are said to be ?

20 Valence Charge Some metals can form ions in two different ways and have two possible valences; these metals are said to be multivalent. E.g. the valence of lead is ?

21 Valence Charge Some metals can form ions in two different ways and have two possible valences; these metals are said to be multivalent. E.g. the valence of lead is 2+ or 4+. To indicate which ion we are dealing with, we write the valence charge in Roman numerals after the name of the metal. E.g. lead (?) or lead (?)

22 Valence Charge Some metals can form ions in two different ways and have two possible valences; these metals are said to be multivalent. E.g. the valence of lead is 2+ or 4+. To indicate which ion we are dealing with, we write the valence charge in Roman numerals after the name of the metal. E.g. lead (II) or lead (?)

23 Valence Charge Some metals can form ions in two different ways and have two possible valences; these metals are said to be multivalent. E.g. the valence of lead is 2+ or 4+. To indicate which ion we are dealing with, we write the valence charge in Roman numerals after the name of the metal. E.g. lead (II) or lead (IV)

24 The How of Ions Atoms that have more electrons in their outer shells than it would take to fill that shell will preferentially gain electrons.

25 The How of Ions E.g. Chlorine has 7 valence electrons.
It would need to gain 1 to fill that shell. So it just gains 1 (that was given up by a metal).

26 The How of Ions Because chlorine has gained a negatively-charged electron, it now has a negative charge. Negatively-charged ions are called anions.

27 The How of Ions The elements that form negatively-charged ions are non-metals.

28 the first syllable + the suffix “ide”
The How of Ions Non-metals, when they form ions, change their names to: the first syllable + the suffix “ide”

29 Anion names chlorine fluorine bromine oxygen sulphur nitrogen

30 Anion names chlorine chloride fluorine bromine oxygen sulphur nitrogen

31 Anion names chlorine chloride fluorine fluoride bromine oxygen sulphur
nitrogen phosphorus

32 Anion names chlorine chloride fluorine fluoride bromine bromide oxygen
sulphur nitrogen phosphorus

33 Anion names chlorine chloride fluorine fluoride bromine bromide
oxygen oxide sulphur nitrogen phosphorus

34 Anion names chlorine chloride fluorine fluoride bromine bromide
oxygen oxide sulphur sulphide nitrogen phosphorus

35 Anion names chlorine chloride fluorine fluoride bromine bromide
oxygen oxide sulphur sulphide nitrogen nitride phosphorus

36 Anion names chlorine chloride fluorine fluoride bromine bromide
oxygen oxide sulphur sulphide nitrogen nitride phosphorus phosphide

37 Valence Practice Given the following Bohr diagram, what will the valence of the ion be?

38 Valence Practice Given the following Bohr diagram, what will the valence of the ion be?

39 Polyatomic Ions A polyatomic ion is a group of atoms bonded together (by shared electrons) that acts as a single ion. (Ref. p. 161.) E.g. nitrate NO31-

40 Nick & his Polyatomic Ions
Nick the Camel had a Clam for Supper in Phoenix

41 Nick & his Polyatomic Ions
Nick the Camel had a Clam for Supper in Phoenix First consonants = Name of the ion e.g. N from Nick stands for:

42 Nick & his Polyatomic Ions
Nick the Camel had a Clam for Supper in Phoenix First consonants = Name of the ion e.g. N from Nick stands for: Nitrate

43 Nick & his Polyatomic Ions
Nick the Camel had a Clam for Supper in Phoenix First consonants = Name of the ion # of vowels = valence e.g. Nick has 1 vowel so it has:

44 Nick & his Polyatomic Ions
Nick the Camel had a Clam for Supper in Phoenix First consonants = Name of the ion # of vowels = valence e.g. Nick has 1 vowel so it has: a charge of 1-

45 Nick & his Polyatomic Ions
Nick the Camel had a Clam for Supper in Phoenix First consonants = Name of the ion # of vowels = valence # of consonants = # of oxygens e.g. Nick has 3 consonants so it has:

46 Nick & his Polyatomic Ions
Nick the Camel had a Clam for Supper in Phoenix First consonants = Name of the ion # of vowels = valence # of consonants = # of oxygens e.g. Nick has 3 consonants so it has: 3 oxygens

47 Nick & his Polyatomic Ions
Nick the Camel had a Clam for Supper in Phoenix Write the formulae for the corresponding ions Nick = Camel = Clam = Supper = Phoenix =

48 Nick & his Polyatomic Ions
Nick the Camel had a Clam for Supper in Phoenix Write the formulae for the corresponding ions Nick = nitrate NO31- Camel = Clam = Supper = Phoenix =

49 Nick & his Polyatomic Ions
Nick the Camel had a Clam for Supper in Phoenix Write the formulae for the corresponding ions Nick = nitrate NO31- Camel = carbonate CO32- Clam = Supper = Phoenix =

50 Nick & his Polyatomic Ions
Nick the Camel had a Clam for Supper in Phoenix Write the formulae for the corresponding ions Nick = nitrate NO31- Camel = carbonate CO32- Clam = chlorate ClO31- Supper = Phoenix =

51 Nick & his Polyatomic Ions
Nick the Camel had a Clam for Supper in Phoenix Write the formulae for the corresponding ions Nick = nitrate NO31- Camel = carbonate CO32- Clam = chlorate ClO31- Supper = sulfate SO42- Phoenix =

52 Nick & his Polyatomic Ions
Nick the Camel had a Clam for Supper in Phoenix Write the formulae for the corresponding ions Nick = nitrate NO31- Camel = carbonate CO32- Clam = chlorate ClO31- Supper = sulfate SO42- Phoenix = phosphate PO43-

53 Nick & his Polyatomic Ions
One extra oxygen "per-ate" Normal One less oxygen Two less oxygens Nick nitrate NO31- Camel carbonate CO32- Clam chlorate ClO31- Supper sulfate SO42- Phoenix phosphate PO43-

54 Nick & his Polyatomic Ions
One extra oxygen "per-ate" Normal One less oxygen Two less oxygens NO41- pernitrate Nick nitrate NO31- CO42- percarbonate Camel carbonate CO32- ClO41- perchlorate Clam chlorate ClO31- SO52- persulfate Supper sulfate SO42- PO53- perphosphate Phoenix phosphate PO43-

55 Nick & his Polyatomic Ions
One extra oxygen "per-ate" Normal One less oxygen "ite" Two less oxygens "hypo-ite" NO41- pernitrate Nick nitrate NO31- NO21- nitrite CO32- percarbonate Camel carbonate CO32- CO22- carbonite ClO31- perchlorate Clam chlorate ClO31- ClO21- chlorite SO42- persulfate Supper sulfate SO42- SO32- sulfite PO43- perphosphate Phoenix phosphate PO43- PO33- phosphite

56 Nick & his Polyatomic Ions
One extra oxygen "per-ate" Normal One less oxygen "ite" Two less oxygens "hypo-ite" NO41- pernitrate Nick nitrate NO31- NO21- nitrite NO1- hyponitrite CO32- percarbonate Camel carbonate CO32- CO22- carbonite CO2- hypocarbonite ClO31- perchlorate Clam chlorate ClO31- ClO21- chlorite ClO1- hypochlorite SO42- persulfate Supper sulfate SO42- SO32- sulfite SO22- hyposulfite PO43- perphosphate Phoenix phosphate PO43- PO33- phosphite PO23- hypophosphite

57 Three More You should also be familiar with: HCO3- hydrogen carbonate (or bicarbonate) OH- hydroxide NH4+ ammonium

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