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Chemical Families & Metals/Nonmetals

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1 Chemical Families & Metals/Nonmetals
JEOPARDY! Click Once to Begin Chemical Families & Metals/Nonmetals To change the question and answer slides, select the question or answer text box and type in your own questions and answers. To play, click on a question on the game board to go to that question. The house icon will take you to the game board and the question mark icon will take you to the answer slide. Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

2 Final JEOPARDY! Alkali Metals Alkaline Earth Metals Real Life Field Trip Halogens Noble gases 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 n/a 500 500 500 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

3 Answer 1-100: The names of two alkali metals AND the number of valence electrons in the elements of the alkali metal family Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

4 What is any two of: lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium cesium, francium, AND 1 valence electron (they are in group/family 1)? Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

5 Answer 1-200: The number of electrons the alkali metals tend to lose/gain when bonding with other atoms. (please indicate gain or lose as well) Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

6 What is lose 1 electron Template by Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

7 Answer 1-300: Two physical properties of alkali metals
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

8 What is any 2 of the following: soft, silver, shiny (high lustre), malleable, ductile?
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

9 Answer 1-400: A chemical property of alkali metals
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

10 React violently with air (have to be stored in oil) React violently with water (produce Hydrogen) Li + H OH  Li OH + H2 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

11 Answer 1-500 Two everyday uses of some alkali metal COMPOUNDS
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

12 Two of the following: table salt (sodium chloride) baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) ?
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

13 Question The name of two elements AND the number of valence electrons in all of the elements of the alkaline earth metal family? Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

14 What is beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, radium and 2 valence electrons?
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

15 Answer The number of electrons the alkaline earth metals tend to lose/gain when bonding with other atoms. (please indicate gain or lose as well) Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

16 What is lose 2 electrons? Template by Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

17 Answer 2-300 Two physical properties of alkaline earth metals
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

18 Two of the following: high melting and boiling points?
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

19 Answer 2-400 A chemical property of alkaline earth metals
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

20 Loses two electrons, burns in air, tarnishes in moist air?
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

21 Answer 2-500 Two everyday uses of some alkaline earth metal compounds
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

22 What is limestone, marble (made of calcium carbonate), fireworks
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

23 Answer Which family(ies) could this belong to: alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, or noble gases? Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

24 What is alkali metals or alkaline earth metals? (It is magnesium)
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

25 Answer Which family(ies) could this belong to: alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, or noble gases? Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

26 What is halogens (or noble gases) It is fluorine?
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

27 Answer Which family(ies) could this belong to: alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, or noble gases? Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

28 What is alkali metal (It is so reactive it is stored under oil
What is alkali metal (It is so reactive it is stored under oil. It is lithium) Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

29 Answer 3-400 What property of argon makes it useful to put inbetween layers of glass in a window?
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

30 What is its lack of reactivity (it is a noble gas and has a stable octet)
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

31 Answer 3-500 Template by Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

32 What? Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

33 Answer The name of two elements AND the number of valence electrons in all of the elements of the halogens family?. Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

34 What is fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, astatine AND 7 valence electrons?
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

35 Answer The number of electrons the halogens tend to lose/gain when bonding with other atoms. (please indicate gain or lose as well) Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

36 What is gain 1 electron? Template by Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

37 Daily Double!!! Answer A group/family that the halogen bromine would bond with and the name of the compound it would make (chemical name and chemical formula) Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

38 What is any of the following: lithium bromide, (LiBr) sodium bromide, (NaBr) potassium bromide (KBr) etc. OR magnesium bromide (MgBr2) calcium bromide (CaBr2 ) strontium bromide (SrBr2 ) ? Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

39 Answer 4-400 Two physical properties of halogens
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

40 Colorful, gas (F, Cl), liquid (Br) or solid (I, At) at room temperature ?
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

41 Answer 4-500 Two chemical properties of halogens.
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

42 Gain electrons. React with metals to form salts. Na + Cl2  NaCl
*Gain electrons *React with metals to form salts *Na + Cl2  NaCl *Bond with eachother (to become diatomic compounds) Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

43 Answer 5-100 The group number of the noble gases
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

44 What is 18? Template by Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

45 Answer 5-200 The reason why noble gases are unreactive
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

46 What is all noble gas elements have a stable octet of electrons?
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

47 Answer 5-300 The reason why the noble gases were not on Mendeleev’s periodic table
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

48 What are because they are so unreactive
What are because they are so unreactive. This made them difficult to discover? Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

49 Answer 5-400 The physical properties of 2 of the noble gases
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

50 helium – less dense than air so floats in air neon – glows red when current passed through it
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

51 Answer 5-500 Name an everyday use of a noble gas
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

52 What is argon – used between layers of window panes ?
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

53 Answer 6-100 Metals are on this side of the periodic table
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

54 What is the left side? Template by Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

55 Answer 6-200 Nonmetals are on this side of the periodic table.
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

56 What is the right side? Template by Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

57 Answer 6-300 Three physical properties of metals
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

58 What is ductile, malleable, good conductors of electricity, good conductors of heat ?
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

59 Answer 6-400 I discover a rock that is brittle when I try to crack it
Answer I discover a rock that is brittle when I try to crack it. Does this rock likely contain the metal lead? Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

60 What is no. Lead is malleable, not brittle?
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

61 Answer 6-500 This element takes electrons
Answer This element takes electrons. Is it more likely a metal or a nonmetal? Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

62 What is a nonmetal (metals tend to give electrons)?
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

63 Final Jeopardy Name the 8 metalloids. Template by Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

64 What is boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, tellurium, polonium, astatine?
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

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