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Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires The Islamic Empires

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1 Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires The Islamic Empires

2 Formation of Islamic Empires
Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires Formation of Islamic Empires By 16th century, Turkish warriors had transformed the Middle East into 3 major empires The Ottoman Empire stretched from Algeria to Armenia Multiethnic The Safavid Empire covered most of Ancient Persia Center of Shiite Islam Mughal Empire covered most of India and Pakistan Imposed rule over a predominately Hindu land The creation of the 3 Gunpowder empires will unite the Muslim world

3 Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires

4 Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires
The Ottoman Empire (1289–1923) Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires Osman Bey led bands of semi-nomadic Turks to become ghazi: Muslim religious warriors Captured Anatolian city of Bursa with light cavalry and volunteer infantry in 1326 Developed into a major commercial and intellectual center In Balkans, forced Christian families to surrender young boys to military service: devshirme Often grew up to be exceptionally loyal Janissaries Very quickly, the Ottoman Empire became well equipped with troops and weapons to take over and build their empire

5 Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires
Mehmed the Conqueror Mehmed II (r. 1451–1481) Capture of Constantinople, 1453 Renamed Istanbul Ottoman Empire will be transformed from just a warrior empire to a commercial center Transformation from warrior sultan to emperor of “two lands” (Europe, Asia) and “two seas” (Black Sea, Mediterranean) There was no rival to Mehmed’s army Expanded territory into Serbia, Greece, Albania, Crimea Planned to capture pope; unsuccessful


7 Süleyman the Magnificent (r. 1520–1566)
Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires Süleyman the Magnificent (r. 1520–1566) Expanded into Asia, Europe Conquered Baghdad, Tigris and Euphrates Valleys Killed the king of Hungary Besieged Vienna, 1529 Tried to expand into Safavid territory Developed naval power Had 3 major naval fleets Challenged many trading vessels in the Mediterranean, Red Sea and Indian Ocean Barbarossa “Red Beard” commanded one of the fleets of ships Named the “Law Giver” Artistic, literary and architectural golden age Reformed tax codes, fair tax collector Efficient government


9 Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires
The Safavid Empire Young military leader, Ismail, r. 1501–1524 Orphaned, parents killed by enemies Became shah, proclaimed Twelver Shiism official religion of realm Twelve infallible imams after Muhammad Twelfth imam in hiding, ready to take power Wore distinctive red hat, called qizilbash (“red heads”) Forced Shia Islam Empire called Safavid after Safi al-Din, Sufi thinker No true lineage was established as Ismail would change his origins as needed to gain support from different Persian groups


11 Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires
Battle of Chaldiran (1514) Safavid and Ottoman Empires were enemies Safavid forced conversion to conservative Shia Islam This did not sit well with the Ottoman Sunni Empire Selim I (Suleyman’s Father) persecuted Shias in Ottoman Empire and planned an attack on the Safavid Empire Full-scale Ottoman invasion of Safavid territory Heavy use of Ottoman gunpowder technology gave them upper hand. Ismail escaped Two centuries of ongoing conflict Shah Abbas the Great (r. 1588–1629) revitalized weakened Safavid empire Reformed administration, military Expansion of military and trade Moved capital to Isfahan Increased slavery, gunpowder technology

12 Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires
The Mughal Empire Northern India invaded for plunder, 1523, by Zahir al-Din Muhammad (Babur the Tiger), Chaghatai Turk (descendant of Chinggis Khan) Only cared about fortune and warring like his ancestors Gunpowder technology gave Babur advantage Tried to encroach on Safavid territory with little success; turned to India to conquer Did not care much for the land he conquered Founded Mughal (Persian for Mongol) dynasty Expanded through most of Indian subcontinent


14 Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires
Akbar (r. 1556–1605) Grandson of Babur Illiterate but brilliant No nonsense ruler Reflective Won fear and respect after throwing Adham Khan, leader of army, out a window twice Second time just to make sure he was dead Created centralized government Destroyed Hindu kingdom of Vijayanagar Religiously tolerant, promoted “divine faith” Syncretic form of Islam and Hinduism Hoped to reduced tensions between Hindus and Muslims


16 Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires
Aurangzeb (r. 1659–1707) Reached greatest extent under his long reign Defeated his brother for the throne 1658 Expanded Mughal empire into southern India Ruled over major conflict between Hindus and Muslims He did nothing to try to soothe tension Hostile to Hinduism Demolished Hindu temples, replaced with mosques Tax on Hindus to encourage conversion His policies would lead to the Mughal empire decline Treated Hindus as subordinates not equals


18 Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires
The Dynastic State Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal empires all based on military conquest and steppe traditions Adoptions of similar economic policies Prestige of dynasty dependent on piety and military prowess of ruler Close relations with Sufism, ghazi ideal The ideal of spreading Islam by fighting infidels or heretics fit into Turkish and Mongolian traditions Steppe tradition also autocratic Issuance of unilateral decrees – Suleyman called the Law Giver Intra-family conflicts over power due to distribution of power among family members Shah Abbas lived in constant fear of his family; kept his sons imprisoned Mehmed made a law that you could kill off your brother upon taking the throne 1595, Sultan massacred nineteen brothers (some infants), fifteen expectant women (strangulation with silk)

19 Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved
Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

20 Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires
Women and Politics Women officially banned from political activity But tradition of revering mothers, first wives like Chinggis Khan Süleyman the Magnificent deferred to concubine Hürrem Sultana Originally Roxelana, Ukrainian woman Convinced husband to murder eldest son in favor of her own child Agriculture and Trade American crops effected less dramatic change in Muslim empires Coffee, tobacco important Initial opposition from conservative circles, fearing lax morality of coffee houses Population growth also reflected territorial additions and losses New crops had less of a demographic effect than in Africa and Europe Trade with English East India Company, French East India Company, and Dutch VOC

21 Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires
Religious Diversity Ottoman empire: Christians, Jews Safavid empire: Zoroastrians, Jews, Christians Mughal empire: Hindus, Jains, Zoroastrians, Christians, Sikhs Portuguese Gao became Christian center in India Mughal Akbar most tolerant Received Jesuits politely, but resented Christian exclusivity Enthusiastic about syncretic Sikhism, self-serving “divine faith” Status of Religious Minorities Non-Muslim protected people: dhimmi Payment of special tax: jizya Freedom of worship, property, legal affairs Ottoman communities: millet system of self-administration Mughal rule: Muslims supreme, but worked in tandem with Hindus Under Akbar, jizya abolished Reaction under Aurangzeb

22 Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires
Capital Cities As each Islamic Empire matured; public works, palaces, and schools would be built to show off the power of each empire Istanbul: cultural capital of Ottoman empire; massive monumental architecture Rededication of Hagia Sofia church as Aya Sofya mosque Topkapi Palace- Sultan’s residence and other important offices Suleymaiye- vast religious complex Isfahan: major Persian city Akbar built magnificent Fatehpur Sikri Chose site without sufficient water supply; abandoned Taj Mahal: most famous Mughal monument 20,000 workers 18 years to complete






28 Deterioration of Imperial Leadership
Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires Deterioration of Imperial Leadership 1722 Afghan tribeman blockaded Safavid Empire 1707 Aurangzeb died and Mughal India fell to regional fighting… 1700 Ottoman Empire began to lose periphery territories Ottoman princes became lazy through luxury Selim the Sot; Ibrahim the Crazy Attempts to isolate princes compounded problem Religious tensions between conservatives and liberals intensified Wahhabi movement in Arabia denounced Ottomans as unfit to rule Forced destruction of observatory, printing press Persecution of Sunnis, non-Muslims, and even Sufis by Safavid Shiites

29 Economic and Military Decline
Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires Economic and Military Decline Domestic economies suffered and foreign trade controlled by Europeans Military, administrative network expensive to maintain Expansion of new lands brought in economic boom but as expansion slowed so did the economy Janissaries mutinied when paid with debased coinage, 1589; other revolts followed Unproductive wars Ottomans vs Hapsburgs Safavids vs Ottomans Aurangzeb vs Southern India As economy slowed, officials raised taxes Each empire welcomed foreign trade instead of creating their own trade companies European military technology advanced faster than Ottomans could purchase it

30 Cultural Conservatism
Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires Cultural Conservatism Europeans promoted active study of Islamic cultures for purposes of trade, missionary work Piri Reis was an Islamic cartographer that created many accurate maps Islamic empires less interested in outside world Swiftly fell behind in technological development Example: Jews from Spain established first printing press in Anatolia in late fifteenth century; but printing of books in Turkish and Arabic forbidden until 1729 Handwritten books preferred, but weak levels of dissemination The Islamic Empires saw nothing good from European society except weapons and gunpowder technology Did not implement any of the Scientific Revolution ideas from Europe

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