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Chapter 11 Unit 6 The Muscular System

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1 Chapter 11 Unit 6 The Muscular System
Review Chapter 11 Unit 6 The Muscular System

2 Review There are approximately how many muscles in the human body? 600
The body stores carbohydrates in the muscles in the form of starch called? Glycogen Muscles change glycogen to what for energy? Glucose All muscle activity is influenced by the? Nervous system The group of cells and its motor neurons are called? Motor units

3 Review What are the two main functions of the muscular system?
To permit movement and maintain posture The main function of skeletal muscle tissue? Specialized to contract and bring about movement The main function of smooth muscle tissue? Makes the movement of internal organs possible, dilates and constricts blood vessels Where is cardiac muscle tissue found? Heart

4 Review When muscle contract, they become? Shorter and thicker
Explain a flexion position? Bends a joint  Explain a extensor position? Straightening Muscle that contract to move extremities toward the midline? Adduction Muscle that contract to move extremities away from the body’s center line? Abduction

5 Review Wasting away of a part of the body from nonuse? Atrophy
Lack of muscle use, where the muscle cannot stretch? Contracture Strong fibrous structure, are attached to rough surfaces on a bone and are extremely strong, connects muscle to bone? A tendon The thickest and strongest tendon in the human body? Achilles tendon This is flexible and support organs and connect bone to bone? A ligament

6 Review The muscle most important in breathing divides the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity? Diaphragm The major muscle of the upper back? Trapezius The main upper chest muscle, that enables us to flex the arm across the chest? Pectoralis major

7 Review The large muscle of the back? Latissimus dorsi
Triangle muscle on the upper arm? Deltoid  The largest and most superficial muscle of the buttocks? Gluteus maximus The longest muscle of the body on the front of the thigh? Sartorius

8 Review The largest muscle of the quadriceps, for IM injections for children? Vastus lateralis The main muscle in the calf of the leg, this permits you to stand tiptoe? Gastrocnemius Muscle of the forehead? Frontalis(frontal) muscles This muscles allows us to whistle, kiss, smile, grin? Obicularis oris

9 Review This is an injury to a muscle or tendon in which the muscle fibers tear as a result of overstretching? A strain Where is the hamstring located? Posterior thigh(femoral) This is a painful inflammation of the tendon? Tendonitis This is inflammation of a forearm tendon, also called tennis elbow? Epicondylitis

10 Review This is a chronic musculoskeletal condition characterized by widespread pain, it affects people of all ages? Fibromyalgia Syndrome This is a group of congenital disorder results in progressive wasting away of skeletal muscle? Muscular Dystrophy This is a neck deformity bends the head to the affected side and rotates the chin toward the opposite side? Torticollis Define paraplegia? Paralysis of both legs and lower body Define quadriplegia? Paralysis of all four extremities

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