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Parent Information Session

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1 Parent Information Session

2 The End in Mind Introduce The Leader in Me.
Understand the importance of leadership skills. Overview of the 7 Habits. Share ideas for modeling the 7 Habits at home.

3 The 7 Habits and Life Skills
What Parents and Business Leaders Want 21st Century Life Skills The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People® INDEPENDENCE Habits 1–3 Goal setting Organization Time management Planning Initiative Responsibility Self-direction Personal productivity Be Proactive® Begin With the End in Mind® Put First Things First® INTERDEPENDENCE Habits 4–6 Teamwork Conflict management Creativity Analytical skills Problem solving Communication Collaboration Cross-cultural skills Think Win-Win® Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood® Synergize® RENEWAL Habit 7 Fun Desire to learn Good health and hygiene Meaningful work Emotional stability Technical skills Sharpen the Saw® (Body, Heart, Mind, Spirit) The 7 Habits and Life Skills

4 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People



7 Muriel Summers

8 Muriel Summers

9 Habit 1: Be Proactive® Common Paradigm: This is just the way things are, and there is not much I can do about it. Highly Effective Paradigm: I am free to choose, and I am ultimately responsible for my happiness. Highly Effective Practices: Use proactive language like “I can” or “I choose” Take responsibility Remain calm Think before acting Focus on solutions

10 Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind®
Common Paradigm: I can’t predict how my life will turn out, so I just go with the flow. Highly Effective Paradigm: Clearly defining my vision and purpose will make all the difference. Highly Effective Practices: Define outcomes before you act Identify the steps necessary to reach the outcome Create a personal mission statement

11 Habit 3: Put First Things First ®
Common Paradigm: I spend time on what’s urgent. Highly Effective Paradigm: I spend time on what’s important. Highly Effective Practices: Decide what is important, and do that first Plan every week Don’t let the unimportant things distract you

12 Habit 4: Think Win-Win ® Common Paradigm: There is only so much, and the more you get, the less there is for me. Highly Effective Paradigm: There is plenty out there for everyone and more to spare. Highly Effective Practices: Don’t compare yourself to others Acknowledge other people’s ideas and opinions; make sure everyone has a chance to speak Find a solution that works for both Celebrate other people’s wins as well as your own

13 Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood ®
Common Paradigm: I need to make sure people see my point of view. Highly Effective Paradigm: I have greater influence with others if I truly understand them first. Highly Effective Practices: Ask others to share how they feel Listen without interrupting Acknowledge other people’s feeling even if they are different from your own

14 Habit 6: Synergize® Common Paradigm: Let’s compromise.
Highly Effective Paradigm: Let’s come up with something that’s better than what either of us has in mind. Highly Effective Practices: Value differences in others Determine common goal and work together to come up with a solution Seek 3rd alternatives

15 Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw ®
Common Paradigm: I’m too busy to take time for myself. Highly Effective Paradigm: I take time for myself every day because it gives me the ability to do everything else. Highly Effective Practices: Take care of body, heart, mind, and spirit Exercise, eat right, rest and relaxation Note how you’re treating others Read, write, learn, study Service to others

16 Quote “Leadership is communicating a person’s worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves.” —Dr. Stephen R. Covey

17 Questions??

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