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Gateway Science Academy

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Presentation on theme: "Gateway Science Academy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gateway Science Academy
Ms. Wolf’s First Grade

2 GSA’s First GradeTeam Specials Teachers:
Specials Teachers: Music: Dr. Burke– Art: Ms. Cashel - PE: Mr. Aladin Jasarevic Computer: Mrs. Powell- Library: Ms. Behrens-

3 Other important emails
Mr. Blackstone: (Superintendent) – Mr. Celik: (Principal) – Dr. Moak: (Ast. Principal of Academics) – Ms. McCann: (Ast. Principal of School Culture) – Nurse Anne: (Nurse) – Ms. Saltaga: (Secretary) – Mrs. Voelker: (Secretary) –

4 Attendance: It is very important that your child is at school everyday
Attendance: It is very important that your child is at school everyday. If there is a day when your child must be absent, a handwritten note or  to the office and your child’s teacher should be sent with your child. Backpacks: Please send your child with his/her backpack each day and make sure you check them after school! Birthdays: We love to acknowledge birthdays in first grade, however, we can only celebrate with store bought items. This is for the safety of those children with severe allergies. If your child has a severe allergy, you can send them with a box of snacks that they can have. We will get them a snack from this box, when a treat is not okay for them to have. We do have peanut allergies inside the classroom.

5 Change in Transportation: Please send in a note
with your child if they will go home a different way than usual. We MUST have a note or to leave with another individual or friend. Coats!: Fall & Winter are right around the corner. If your child does not bring a coat to school they will not be allowed to go to recess. Conferences: Formal Parent-Teacher conferences will be held at the end of September, beginning of December, and again in mid-February. However, we are happy to meet or speak with you at anytime throughout the year! Discipline- We are using class dojo you can check your child’s behavior daily. Dress Down Days- Students will have a $2 dress down day every last school day of the month. NO CASH payments, only credit/debit/check in the office.

6 address & phone numbers: home, work & cell
Emergency contact information is extremely important! Please inform us immediately if there are any changes to the information we have on file! address & phone numbers: home, work & cell Early Release: 9/23, 10/12, 12/2, 2/8, 2/17, 5/10, and 5/26 are early release days. Dismissal is at 11:50 We love Field Trips in First Grade!Information will be sent home closer to the time of our trips! FRIDAY SPIRIT DAYS Students may wear a GSA spirit with a uniform bottom is for gym class! Children should always wear tennis shoes for gym class.

7 is for IXL! Strands will be assigned each week
Homework! Homework assignments will be sent home, Monday- Thursday. I encourage you to work with your child a few minutes each night to review & reinforce the skills they are working on in school. Home Visits: If you are interested in having a home visit please contact me! is for IXL! Strands will be assigned each week is for joining our PTO! Throughout the school year there will be a variety of special classroom activities, celebrations, and PTO meetings. I encourage you to attend all functions and become involved!

8 is for keeping up with folders
is for keeping up with folders! Folders are our primary means of communications along with s. Their take home folder will be our way of making sure things get to and from school. Anything you need teachers to see, homework that is due, money for the office, should be in this folder. These are checked each morning! Library Books: We will be checking out books from our library each week. Keep your child’s book in their backpack for safe keeping.

9 I can not accept any cash
I can not accept any cash. Please send in check or pay at the office for dress downs, field trips, lunch money. Nurse: If your student requires medication to be taken at school please make sure that you fill out the necessary forms in the office. Our nurse handles all medication. Please let us know if there is any allergies we need to be aware of! Newsletters: Newsletters will be sent home every week. These will have up to date calendar information, curriculum information, as well as anything else going on in your child’s homeroom! is for office check-ins and check-outs! Please make sure to go to our office when you need to check-in or check-out your student.

10 Phone Calls: We normally do not answer our classroom phones during instructional time. If you have a question or concern that is urgent please or use the remind o send me a text and I will get back to you ASAP! is for questions! Please let us know if you have any questions! I am here to help in any way that I can and make this school year amazing for you and your child!

11 is for recess! We will be going outside everyday unless it is raining or we are experiencing extreme temperatures. Please make sure your child is properly dressed for the weather! If your child is too sick to play outside, they are too sick to attend school. is for Sickness- If a child is sent home for vomiting or fever, they are supposed to stay at home until they are fever/vomit free 24 hours without medication! is for SIS- Always keep up to date on your student’s grades, missing assignments, absences, and other important information on here! is for testing! First graders will take the NWEA and Starr tests this year.

12 Is for Uniforms. Students must be in full uniforms every day
Is for Uniforms. Students must be in full uniforms every day. Full uniform includes: GSA polo, khaki bottoms (pants, skorts, or shorts of appropriate length), Shirts must be tucked in at all times and students Students may wear any GSA hoody or coat in class, because they may get cold at times! is for volunteers . I love having volunteers in our school! All volunteers and visitors must check in at the office. is for weekends! We understand that the weekends are for family time! The only homework your student will ever have over the weekend is their reading/IXL log, spelling homework,

13 is for eXcellent behavior
is for eXcellent behavior! I set high expectations for my First graders, because I know they are capable of it! is for YOU! Always remember you are a teacher too! You are the most influential person in your child’s life and they are learning from you everyday! is for ZzZzZz...please make sure that your child gets plenty of rest each night. Setting and keeping a bedtime helps children to be alert and ready to learn each day!

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