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Welcome to Y – th September 2015

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Y – th September 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Y13 2015 – 2016 24th September 2015
Presenters: J Cartwright J Briggs R Lloyd-Jones

2 This evening’s Aims Chenderit’s vision and key priorities for ; Curriculum and assessment changes; Parent – school partnership Questions

3 To achieve this we shall strive to:
Our Vision: To pursue excellence academically and in all other spheres of school life. To achieve this we shall strive to: inspire all students to engage in learning in the widest possible sense so that they develop the skills necessary to be successful in school, at work and in the wider community; support one another to become resilient, independent, curious, adaptable and resourceful learners and leaders whose successes are celebrated; develop ambitious students, staff and governors who understand that we are in competition with the global community;

4 foster community-wide respectful, trusting, compassionate, empathetic relationships through which students and staff enjoy and achieve; enable students, staff, governors, parents and carers to embrace their role and to contribute effectively in supporting learning and progress and develop a culture in which skilled and passionate staff draw on best local, national and global practice.

5 Our community will continue to : Aim High, Work Hard, Be Nice.

6 How well are we doing? Strengths(>75%)
Questions for parents % of who agree or strongly agree 1. My child is happy at this school 90% 2009 nat. av. 89% 2. My child feels safe at this school 99% (88%) 3. My child makes good progress at this school 84% (86%) 4. My child is well looked after at this school 93% 5. My child is taught well at this school 79% (76%) My child receives appropriate homework for their age 82% 7. I receive valuable information from the school about my child’s progress 78%

7 Area for development (< 75%)
Question % of parents who agree or strongly agree 8. This school responds well to any concerns I raise 72 % 11% didn’t know 17% disagree (nat av. 70%)

8 Achievements to celebrate
BP Centurian Award for Maths Begun an Apprenticeship at The Ritz Hotel Climbed Kilimanjaro x 3 Spent summer in India working with women with mental health issues Won one of the top awards for an essay writing competition for Oxford University Student has been invited to present a speech at the British Museum 3 students were invited to exhibit art in London Galleries

9 GCSE Average Point Score and profile Good Progress at end of A-level
Targets ALPS target grades are aspirational – they are calculated from a linear map of GCSE grades and UCAS points for the top 25% of students GCSE Average Point Score and profile Good Progress at end of A-level mainly A and A* A*/A mainly A A mainly A, few B B mainly A and B mainly B, few A B/C Bs mainly B, few C C mainly C, few B mainly C C/D mainly C and D D

10 Homework Timetable Policy – support for parents Helping with homework
Revision strategies TYP booklet & Planner

11 TYP booklet Tracking % Attendance in the Sixth Form

12 TYP booklet Tracking achievement and effort – subject by subject:

13 TYP booklet Careers Aspirations Speakers Websites Trips
Trips Work Experience

14 Support learning Revision Wider reading Discussion General knowledge
Going out Paid work and other commitments

15 Year 13 mock exams 7th – 15th January 2016
30th November – Interim reports 12th February - Full reports

16 A Level exams Written exams: 16th May – Tuesday 28th June
Art exams – 9th – 20th May Coursework and controlled assessment deadlines throughout the year Both aspects contribute to the final grade in specific subjects.

17 guidance Start talking Research

18 “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” JFK – January 1961
Alternatively, ask not what your child can do for you, ask what can I do for my child” Mr L-J - Sept 2015

19 Helping our Children Being a parent can be difficult – getting the balance just right between support and ‘nagging’ can be tough….. If you can get it right, the rewards for your child can be enormous.

20 An opportunity to find out how your child has done at that point


22 Parental Impact






28 Addicted to On-line Teenagers who spend more than 6 hours online - on a school day are more likely to feel remote, lonely and skip lessons. Major international survey has attributed overdosing online display lower emotional well-being and more behaviour issues. 296,000 young people (15 year olds) in 41 countries 1/5th of teenagers almost always wake in the night to use social media. 1/3rd wake at least once a week in the night to check post/messages ½ use Social media beyond 12 midnight

29 Addicted to work Teenagers who spend more than 8 hours working – over a school week are more likely to impeded their learning potential. Getting the balance right can be very difficult – Independence Vs Strong foundation

30 Let us keep life simple

31 Behaviour Attendance Punctuality Organisation Uniform Conversation
Must do’s Vs Like most The facts of life (school) Behaviour Attendance Punctuality Organisation Uniform The joys of school (life) Conversation Respect Confidence Pride Creativity

32 Together we can make the difference

33 Equal Participation Trust Vs Assumption – HWK Face value Vs In-depth – Conversation Childhood Vs Adulthood – Remember back Lifelong Learning – Together Feedback – From you to us – us to you – you to your child……….

34 Who are your key contacts
First line: Tutor Subject teachers Second line: Heads of Department Assistant Head of Sixth Third line: Head of Sixth Form

35 Homework No homework timetable Expect Homework every night
Plan 4 hours work per subject per week Homework – set by teachers Independent study – set by students

36 The future Apprenticeships Higher education Studying abroad Gap year
Getting a job Staying on at school Going to college or a training provider.

37 UCAS - Key Dates 2015 entry 1 September UCAS begins accepting applications 28 September – Chenderit deadline for Oxbridge & Medical 15 October Closing date for Oxbridge & Medical 19 October 2015 – Chenderit deadline for completion of all applications 15 January UCAS Applications initial deadline March UCAS ‘Extra’ begins for eligible students End April Deadline for Firm & Insurance Decisions 18 August results! Places confirmed/clearing starts

38 Finding out more University Guides
Handouts for parents - Guides Guardian University Guide -

39 Finding out more Apprenticeships

40 Managing the workload Be organised – make a schedule for each week in advance. Assign times each week to manage: Sleep Homework Independent study Writing up notes Sixth Form committee Academic reading Non-academic reading Exercise Voluntary work Clubs Mentoring Reviewing assessed work Revision Socialising Musical Instruments Hobbies Paid work???

41 Mindset Growth No matter how intelligent you are, you can always be more intelligent, with grit and determination. Fixed Intelligence is something people are born with that can’t be changed.

42 Financial Support Vulnerable Bursary
This category includes young people in care, care leavers, young people in receipt of Income Support/Universal Credit and Disabled young people in receipt of both Disability Living Allowance/Personal Independence Payments and Employment Support Allowance who will be eligible to receive a bursary of £1,200 per year. Discretionary Bursary Evidence of household income below £25,000 must accompany the application incl. barriers to learning info.

43 How can we help? Guidance on application and personal statement
Teacher’s predicted grades UCAS reference Application sent – tutor supports the rest of the process Interview support if needed Higher Education Finance application explained and supported Sessions on living independently and managing finances Results day support

44 How can parents and carers help?
Encourage full attendance and good punctuality Help design and operate a management plan Support with assessments Provide a suitable space to study Encourage review of learning, and a proactive approach to seeking support from others when necessary

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