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Employment Issues in Securities Arbitration in the Wake of Epic Systems Podcast # 6- August 2, 2018.

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1 Employment Issues in Securities Arbitration in the Wake of Epic Systems
Podcast # 6- August 2, 2018

2 Disclaimer This presentation is © 2018 Securities Arbitration Commentator, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted or otherwise distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including by photocopying, facsimile transmission, recording, rekeying or using any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the Securities Arbitration Commentator, Inc. Any reproduction, transmission or distribution of this form or any of the material herein is prohibited and is in violation of US and international law. Securities Arbitration Commentator, Inc. expressly disclaims any liability in connection with use of this presentation or its contents by any third party. The views expressed by panelists in this webcast are not necessarily those of Securities Arbitration Commentator, Inc. The Securities Arbitration Commentator, Inc. assumes no responsibility for the content and materials presented by speakers during the webcast. We are lawyers. So there.

3 Introduction In a 5-4 decision split along ideological lines, the Supreme Court on May 21 held in Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis that the Federal Arbitration Act permits employers to use arbitration clauses containing class action waivers, notwithstanding the National Labor Relations Act’s protections of workers’ rights to act collectively. Justice Neil Gorsuch authored the majority Opinion, joined by Justices Alito, Kennedy, and Thomas, and Chief Justice Roberts. In this fast-paced Podcast, experts and practitioners in the securities dispute resolution field will discuss the current state of securities industry employment arbitration, including what the Epic Systems decision may mean for the financial services sector.

4 Speakers Richard “Rick” Ryder, Esq. Jeffrey Liddle, Esq.
President Securities Arbitration Commentator Maplewood, NJ Jeffrey Liddle, Esq. Liddle & Robinson, L.L.P. New York, NY George H. Friedman, Esq. George H. Friedman Consulting, LLC Fordham Law School Arbitration Resolution Services, Inc. Teaneck, NJ Dana N. Pescosolido, Esq. Pescosolido Mediation and Consulting LLC Amelia Island (Jacksonville), FL. James L. Komie, Esq. Howard & Howard Chicago, IL

5 Discussion topics The current securities arbitration landscape
Epic Systems explained What does Epic Systems mean for class action waivers in securities employment arbitration clauses? A review of the Schwab case Does it carry over to employment? Is the Protocol expiring or evolving? Where will we be 3 years from now?

6 The current securities arbitration landscape
Expungement Promissory Note Cases Statistical Results Panel Composition Dynamics of FINRA Rule 13806 The current rules framework Type of claim often determines panel composition Statutory Discrimination Claims Special panel with expertise Raiding Claims

7 Epic Systems Epic Systems explained
What were the issues What did the Court hold? What does Epic Systems mean for class action waivers in securities employment arbitration clauses? A review of the Schwab case Does it carry over to employment? Comparing the Customer and Industry Rules (no 2268 (d) or (f)) One impact already happening - industry move to non-FINRA forums

8 Epic Systems (cont’d) Practice at other forums - compare to FINRA?
RN 16-25: Choice of Forums/FINRA is always a choice What impact might there be from a Justice Brett Kavanaugh? Is he pro-arbitration?

9 Is the Protocol expiring or evolving?
Business Changes - Broker Migrations Is raiding still an issue? What's changed?

10 The Future: three years from now
Where will FINRA land on waivers? Who will have more employment cases? FINRA, AAA, JAMS, or…? Will the Protocol still exist? Or will it be different? Any arbitration issues left for SCOTUS?

11 Conclusion Concluding Remarks Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter:
@SACDispRes (Securities Arbitration Commentator) @GFriedmanADR (George Friedman ) @jameskomie (James Komie) Be sure to look for our next podcast

12 Thank you for attending. Please visit our Website at www
Thank you for attending. Please visit our Website at to see additional program offerings Podcast # 6 August 2, 2018

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