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Welcome! Texas A&M University System Health Science Center College of Medicine (TAMUSHSCCOM) Scott and White (S&W)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Texas A&M University System Health Science Center College of Medicine (TAMUSHSCCOM) Scott and White (S&W)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Texas A&M University System Health Science Center College of Medicine (TAMUSHSCCOM) Scott and White (S&W)

2 Undergraduate (UGME) and Graduate Educational (GME) Programs

3 Mission TAMUSHSC-COM TAMUSHSC-COM is dedicated to the education of humane and highly skilled physicians and to the development of knowledge in the biomedical and clinical science.

4 Mission Scott and White
To provide personalized, comprehensive, high quality health care, enhanced by medical education and research.                                  

5 Who’s Who Dean TAMUSHSC-COM Christopher C. Colenda, M.D
Chief Executive Officer Scott and White Alfred Knight, M.D. Chief Academic Officer S&W Executive Associate Dean  Walter P. Dyck, M.D., FACP

6 General Faculty Responsibility Policies
Support and participate in the educational activities of your department. Complete faculty development program(s) required by S&W or your department.                                                                   

7 General Faculty Responsibility Policies
Maintain COM and GME requirements for faculty titles, designated responsibilities, etc. Maintain a nurturing environment for teaching, learning, and educational scholarship.

8 Educational Affiliations UGME and GME
TAMUSHSC-COM S&W Research & Education Division

9 Educational Affiliations UGME and GME
Central Texas Veteran’s Health Care System                                             Darnall Army Hospital

10 Educational Affiliations UGME and GME
Coastal Bend Health Education Center, Corpus Christi Driscoll Children’s Hospital, Corpus Christi Brazos Valley Family Medicine Residency Program, Bryan Family Medicine Residency, Memorial Christus Spohn, Corpus Christi

11 TAMUSHSC Components College of Medicine (College Station/Temple)
Baylor College of Dentistry (Dallas) School of Rural Public Health (College Station) Graduate School of Biomedical Science (College Station) Institute of Biotechnology (Houston)

12 TAMUSHSC-COM Organizational Structure

13 TAMUSHSC-COM Faculty Appointments
For detailed information on faculty appointment and promotion policies, go to: Click on “Administration.” Click on “Policies & Rules.” See section on Faculty. Faculty mentoring for professional development as an academician is available through the Office of Academic Affairs

14 TAMUSHSC - COM Assignment of Teaching Responsibilities
Based on job description at hire, expressed interest, experience, skill(s) set(s), evaluation, and institutional needs. At invitation of Department/Division Heads or Educational Directors.

15 Components of Effective Teaching
Have working knowledge of curriculum Have working knowledge of educational goals and objectives of your component.                                        

16 Components of Effective Teaching
Orient the learners. Adhere to principles of good clinical teaching. (

17 Components of Effective Teaching
Evaluate learner performance using standardized criteria. ( Provide feedback. ( New innovations Residency Management Suite

18 Curriculum Year I Molecular/Cellular Foundations of Medicine
Gross Anatomy/Embryology Neuroscience Becoming A Clinician I: Humanities in Medicine Introduction to Behavioral Medicine Clinical Correlations Gross Anatomy Introduction to Physical Diagnosis Leadership in Medicine   Working with Patients Evidence Based Medicine I Introduction to Tissues System Blocks CV, Renal, Respiratory, GI, Endocrinology, Reproduction

19 Curriculum Year II Basic Block
Fundamentals of Microbiology-Immunology, Pathology, and Pharmacology-Toxicology Becoming A Clinician II: Clinical Preceptorships in Primary Care Medicine Evidence Based Medicine II Humanities in Medicine Neuro/Psychiatry Block Renal/Genitourinary Block Hematology Block Cardiovascular Block Respiratory Block Integument/Musculoskeletal Block Endocrinology/Reproductive Medicine Block Gastroenterology/Nutrition Block Environmental and Global Health Block USMLE Step I

20 Curriculum Year III Required Clerkships: Family Medicine (6 weeks)
Internal Medicine (12 weeks) Obstetrics and Gynecology (6 weeks) Pediatrics (6 weeks) Psychiatry (6 weeks) Surgery (12 weeks) Principles of Radiology

21 Curriculum Year IV USMLE Step II Required Clerkships/Courses:
Acting Internship-Primary Care Medicine (4 wks) Alcohol and Drug Dependence (2 weeks) Becoming A Clinician IV (2 weeks) Electives

22 UGME Teaching Opportunities
Clinical components of Year I and Year II curriculum (College Station). Core clerkships (inpatient attending, outpatient preceptor, lecturer, seminar/small group leader, etc.).

23 UGME Teaching Opportunities
4th Year electives (varies with elective – see TAMUSHSCCOM Year IV Elective Manual (

24 Other UGME Program Opportunities
Admissions Committee Curriculum Committee/Subcommittees Student Promotions Committee “Ad hoc” planning committees                                                     

25 Liaison Committee on Medical Education
Accreditation is a process of quality assurance in postsecondary education that determines whether an institution or program meets established standards for function, structure, and performance. The accreditation process also fosters institutional and program improvement. Accreditation confers eligibility for participation in federal student loan programs. Most state boards of licensure require that U.S. medical schools be accredited by the LCME, as a condition for licensure. Eligibility of U.S. students to take the USMLE requires LCME accreditation of their school. Graduates of LCME-accredited schools eligible for residency programs accredited by the ACGME.

26 Liaison Committee on Medical Education
Accreditation by the LCME is granted when a medical school meets published standards. The accreditation process entails an institutional self-study, preparing a database cataloging the program of education, and a site visit by the LCME. TAMUSHSC-COM has an 8 year full accreditation

27 GME Programs 16 ACGME-Accredited Residency Programs
2 Non-ACGME-Accredited Residency Programs 10 ACGME-Accredited Fellowship Programs 2 Non-ACGME-Accredited Fellowship Programs


29 GME Accreditation The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) is responsible for the accreditation of post-MD medical training programs within the United States. Accreditation is accomplished through a peer review process and is based upon established standards and guidelines set by Residency Review Committees for each subspeciality. ACGME accreditation confers eligibility for participation in federal and state funding programs

30 ACGME Mission The mission of the ACGME is to improve the quality of health care in the United States by ensuring and improving the quality of graduate medical education experiences for physicians in training. The ACGME establishes national standards for graduate medical education by which it approves and continually assesses educational programs under its aegis.

31 ACGME Rules Governing group for all programs is GME Committee.
All program directors are voting members as well as resident representatives. All programs are regularly reviewed. All programs must abide by mandated rules (duty hours, core competencies, etc.).

32 Director GME Director of GME is the Designated Institutional Official (DIO) for all programs. The DIO is responsible for program accreditation, curriculum, recruitment. The DIO is the person to contact for problems or questions. E. Eugene Terry, MD

33 Faculty Roles Program and Clerkship Directors Key Faculty Core Faculty
Clinical Faculty

34 Key Faculty Educational leaders of GME/UGME programs.
Roles are defined by RRC for GME faculty. Expectation in GME is to have more than 20% of time (sometimes up to 50%) dedicated to residency program. Principal faculty (unmodified title) in COM requires 20% or more time dedicated to resident/student teaching program. Expectation for involvement in scholarly activity: GME key faculty are expected to publish in referred journals and involved in national academic societites. Requires advanced faculty development.

35 Core Faculty Primary teachers for program.
Spend significant time with residents/students either in outpatient or inpatient settings. Responsible for delivery of curriculum. Provides goals and objectives to residents/students at beginning of rotation.

36 Core faculty New innovations
Evaluate residents/students at end of rotation Give regular feedback about performance to residents/students. Requires more than basic faculty development New innovations Residency Management Suite

37 Clinical Faculty Deliver lectures or precept residents, but on infrequent basis. May become core or key faculty if role expands over time.

38 The End TAMUSHSC-COM Scott and White faculty are committed to maintain a high quality Undergraduate and Graduate medical education where students are instilled with a sense of professionalism and a passion for life-long learning while utilizing our cutting-edge clinical and academic facilities to teach the core competencies.

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