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Bellringer: What characteristics do you think help this chameleon survive? What helps it hunt for prey?

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer: What characteristics do you think help this chameleon survive? What helps it hunt for prey?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer: What characteristics do you think help this chameleon survive? What helps it hunt for prey?

2 Evolution, Natural Selection, and Adaptations
Section Two Evolution, Natural Selection, and Adaptations

3 I. Evolution by Natural Selection
Charles Darwin proposed the theory of Evolution and Natural Selection. Organisms w/in a population have similar but different characteristics. 2. These differences (unique traits) give some organisms a survival advantage in their environment. 3. Natural Selection = unique traits being passed from one generation to another.

4 4. Over many generations, the overall characteristics of a population change is Evolution.
B. Nature is the driving force of evolution. 1. An environmental change can cause organisms to be: Selected FOR Selected AGAINST

5 2. Organisms with traits better suited to their environment are better able to survive.
These organisms will pass these traits on to future generations. ii. Advantageous traits = adaptations. C. Artificial Selection – man controlling the traits of organisms Examples: dog breeds, fruits, grains, vegetables

6 Assignment: Pg. 96, questions 1- 4 Pg. 101, questions 1 – 4 Answers ONLY, do not write the questions Due at the end of class.

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