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Lesson 8 Effects of Spanish settlements on the Native people

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1 Lesson 8 Effects of Spanish settlements on the Native people
Aim: To analyse the effects of Spanish settlement on the native population in Santo Domingo, Hispaniola. Key words: Babadilla = Ovando = Encomienda system = Smallpox =

2 Say what you see. Label the picture. Explain what you think the picture can tell us about the effects of Spanish rule on the native peoples? Engraving by Theodor de Bry, 1596, of mining in Haiti.

– full youtube version Watch the media clip. Challenge the view presented of Columbus as a national hero - 4 points

4 Impacts Describe Explain the effect on the native peoples Gold and Tribute Natives forced to pay tribute – sometimes they paid in gold Bobadilla allowed Spaniards to go to the centre of Haiti to mine gold if they gave 11th of their find to the crown. This led to loads of Spanish gold miners seeking gold. 300kg were found in 1501. Gold washing and melting centres set up. The effect of finding gold in Haiti was that the native peoples were used as slaves in the gold mines this led to Taino and Carib societies being utterly destroyed. Slavery Encomienda system Smallpox Read Pearson p29 – 30 Extension reading: Laminate handout- Spanish settlement and the Taíno society/ h.w research Extension: Explain which impacts from Spanish actions had the greatest effect on the native peoples.

5 Plenary Question 3: Explain the importance of the discovery of gold for the growth of the Spanish Empire in the New World. With you neighbour discuss the question. Identify two ways in which the discovery of gold led to the growth o the Spanish Empire.

6 Homework: Question 1: Explain two consequences of the Spanish settlements on the native people (8 marks) [POINT] One consequence of… {WFTQ} is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is…{insert precise own knowledge} [EXPLAIN] This meant that…because…. Therefore… [POINT] Another consequence of… {WFTQ} is…

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