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The Enlightenment The Enlightenment was an 18th century movement that resulted from intellectuals being impressed with the result of the Scientific Revolution.

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Presentation on theme: "The Enlightenment The Enlightenment was an 18th century movement that resulted from intellectuals being impressed with the result of the Scientific Revolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Enlightenment The Enlightenment was an 18th century movement that resulted from intellectuals being impressed with the result of the Scientific Revolution Most leaders of the movement were French They want to use reason, etc. Natural laws…..scientific method, etc. Working to explain what has been learned and take it further

2 It was an emphasis on studying to figure out how to make a better society than the one they had inherited “philosophes” They want to understand… Main leaders were Isaac Newton and John Locke o Most of the leaders of the Enlightenment were Frnech….they believed the role of society was to change the world

3 An important element that came out of Enlightenment is the emphasis on a social contract between people and the government Jean Jacques Rousseau

4 Mostly wealthy and middle-class people contributed or participated in the Enlightenment
The poor (peasants) were little aware of the Englightenment nor cared

5 Popular hobby among the middle class
Enlightenment spread with the growth in reading at this time among all classes Popular hobby among the middle class (Books) Magazines Newspapers Not just rich like before Also the development of magazines for the general public 25 were published in 1700 103 were published in 1760 158 were published in 1780 Also started the idea of daily newpapers (first printe din London

6 Elegant drawing rooms called salons were sites of debate and discussion, helping spread Enlightenment ideas Invited guests to take part in conversations centered around the new ideas of the philosophes Brought artists and writers together And women were able to sway political opinion at the time

7 Enlightened Absolutism:
Rulers tried to govern by Enlightenment principles Rulers who obey the laws and enforce them fairly for all subjects Rulers who allow freedom of speech, religious toleration, rights to privacy Rulers who encourage and support art, science, education Left to right Frederick William I (Prussia) Frederick II aka Frederick the Great (Prussia) Joseph II (Austria) Catherine the Great (Russia)

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