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Collective Impact to Increase Physical Activity in the South

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1 Collective Impact to Increase Physical Activity in the South
Dr. Kimberly S. Clay

2 What is Collective Impact?
Collective impact occurs when organizations from different sectors agree to solve a specific social problem using a common agenda, aligning their efforts, and using common measures of success. 

3 Principles of Practice
Design and implement the initiative with a priority placed on equity. Include community members in the collaborative. Recruit and co-create with cross-sector partners. Use data to continuously learn, adapt, and improve. Cultivate leaders with unique system leadership skills. Focus on program and system strategies. Build a culture that fosters relationships, trust, and respect across participants. Customize for local context.

4 Tour Partners City Governments ACTIVE Network Girls on the Run
Hip Hop Public Health KIDS in the GAME Laureus Sport for Good Let’s Move! Active Schools Local/National Media (ESSENCE) Meharry Medical College President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition SPARK by Sportime Tennessee Titans USA Ultimate





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