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Montesquieu and the Enlightenment

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1 Montesquieu and the Enlightenment
Graham:), Sasha:(, Theo :), and Spencer

2 Early Life Born in the region of Bordeaux, France, on January 18, 1689, He was born to a wealthy family In 1700 Montesquieu was sent to the Oratorian Collège de Juilly After he graduated he returned to Bordeaux in 1705 to study law He was then admitted to practice in the Bordeaux Parlement (parliament) in 1708.

3 Main Beliefs Britain is the best-governed Separation of powers
Checks & balances Republics, monarchies, and despotic governments Republics vary depending on the amount of rights they give their citizens ‘Democratic republics’ generally give their citizens relatively broad rights ‘Aristocratic republics’ generally tend to restrict their citizens rights In a monarchies the state is ruled by a monarch. Despotic governments closely resemble absolute monarchies

4 Published Works On the Spirit of Laws is Montesquieu’s most famous work. It was originally published anonymously to avoid trouble. Describes three political systems: republican, monarchical and despotic Described a republic closely represents our political system in the U.S., though his description of a democratic republic is exactly the U.S. system. Despotic closely resembles an absolute monarchy Described a separation of powers, which was applied in Great Britain with the Petition of Right, and with William and Mary’s Constitutional Monarchy, as well as being applied in our modern United States. He is credited with inventing sociology through Spirit of Laws, which inspired the fields of political science, sociology, and anthropology.

5 Influences on Today Montesquieu created many ideas which have carried throughout history and influenced many modern nations. His works influenced the current government of Great Britain, our nation and constitution, and many other fields and governments. His work heavily influenced the United States Constitution and general form of government In On the Spirit of Laws he described a democratic republic, which very closely represents exactly the government we have in the United States right now He described a system of checks and balances, as well as the rights that citizens have He is credited with creating the field of sociology, and subsequently, political science and anthropology

6 Depressing Facts! (and Quotes!)
He was sexist and racist, believing in slavery, as well as thinking that women were of the “weaker sex.” Important Quotes! “Power...should be a check to power.”

7 Bibliography Baron de Montesquieu. (n.d.). Retrieved October 21, 2016, from Rashid, A. (n.d.). In What Ways Did Baron de Montesquieu Influence the Constitution of the United States? | The Classroom | Synonym. Retrieved from Shackleton, R. (n.d.). Montesquieu | French political philosopher | Retrieved from World Biographies. (n.d.). Montesquieu Biography - life, family, name, death, history, mother, young, information, born, marriage, time. Retrieved from Baron de Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat. (2014, July 18). Retrieved October 24, 2016, from Whitcomb, M. (n.d.). Montesquieu, "The Spirit of the Laws" Retrieved October 24, 2016, from

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