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Brandon Haught “Un-American, Atheistic, Subversive and Communistic”

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Presentation on theme: "Brandon Haught “Un-American, Atheistic, Subversive and Communistic”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Brandon Haught “Un-American, Atheistic, Subversive and Communistic”
Defending and promoting sound science education in the Sunshine State.

2 90YEARS More than of history 1923 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1948 1971
1972 1975 1979 1980 1981 1982 1986 1988 1990 1991 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2014 2015 2016 2017 90YEARS More than of history

3 What happened in 2017?

4 Religious Liberties Law
A student may express his or her religious beliefs in coursework, artwork, and other written and oral assignments free from discrimination. Sen. Dennis Baxley Rep. Kimberly Daniels “What I would do if I was answering, I’d say, ‘Well, according to my beliefs it’s 6,000 [years old], but according to what you say it’s more,'” the lawmaker told WUKY. “You still answered a question and it would be retaliation if they were to say you’ve got to believe what I believe and you can’t believe what you believe.” (Kentucky version)

5 Instructional Materials Law

6 Where did it come from? “This statement leads the child to believe that man made global warming is a scientific fact, when it is not. Man made global warming is a hoax, based only on computer models and false data, and is an injustice to the child, by not teaching scientific fact. It is pure and unadulterated false propaganda.”

7 Where did it come from?

8 Where did it come from?

9 Bible Crusaders George Washburn / dealing in real estate and hotels / Bible Crusaders of America in 1925 Clearwater Benjamin C. Gruenberg’s textbook Elementary Biology (Scopes: Civic Biology) started with Governor John Martin then State Superintendent of Public Instruction W.S. Cawthon Replaced with Biology and Human Life In a letter he wrote to Tennessee Governor Austin Peay March 11, 1926, he gloated over what he called, “Victory number one.” 1926

10 Instructional Materials Bill
“Reach out to church leaders to help them understand how evil much of the revisionist content is. The History and literature Common Core uses teaches that nothing is true and everything is permissive. Example: FL 6th grade world History books teach we came from apes as a statement of fact rather than teaching the Theory of Evolution as a theory.”

11 Religious Liberties and Instructional Materials Laws COMBINED …
The group [Florida Citizens’ Alliance] supported legislation that also passed Friday to protect students and educators who wish to express their religious beliefs in school from discrimination. If signed by the governor, Flaugh said his group will use it in conjunction with the instructional materials bill to contest textbooks that demonstrate “bias toward Islam and seldom mention Christianity,” and promote those that push for a Christian view of the origins of life. “Darwin’s theory is a theory, and the biblical view is a theory, and our kids should be taught both in a balanced way,” he said.

12 Science Textbook Selection

13 What’s happening now?

14 “Controversial Theories”
Districts can adopt standards that are equal to or more rigorous than the state standards. “Controversial theories and concepts must be taught in a factual, objective, and balanced manner.” Sen. Dennis Baxley SB 966 HB 825

15 Instructional Materials AGAIN …
Revise the procedures for adopting instructional materials to permit members of the public to recommend instructional materials for consideration by the state or their district school board, which would then be required to get in touch with the publisher of those materials and allow it to submit a bid for evaluation.

16 VOUCHERS Abeka Bob Jones ACE
George Washburn / dealing in real estate and hotels / Bible Crusaders of America in 1925 Clearwater Benjamin C. Gruenberg’s textbook Elementary Biology (Scopes: Civic Biology) started with Governor John Martin then State Superintendent of Public Instruction W.S. Cawthon Replaced with Biology and Human Life In a letter he wrote to Tennessee Governor Austin Peay March 11, 1926, he gloated over what he called, “Victory number one.”

17 Brandon Haught “Un-American, Atheistic, Subversive and Communistic”
Defending and promoting sound science education in the Sunshine State.

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