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Instructor: Zonghua Gu

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1 Instructor: Zonghua Gu
Operating Systems Instructor: Zonghua Gu 11/17/2018 Spring Lecture #11

2 Logistics Time: Wed 18:30-20:05pm
Location: Cao Guangbiao West Building 202 Instructor: Zonghua Gu Office: 老生仪楼一楼 QQ Group: (under construction) 11/17/2018 Spring Lecture #11

3 Grading Scheme Final Exam: 50% Project: 50% Each group of 1-2 students
I will post some suggested ideas You can also propose your own project idea Can be based on your own thesis topic, as long as it is related to course content Must be approved by me Proposals due in a month. Refer to the “Links and References” page for related conferences and journals for possible ideas 11/17/2018 Spring Lecture #11

4 Course Topics (Tentative, Any Suggested Topics?)
Introduction & Multicore Architecture History of Multicore OS Barrelfish OS OS Reliability (I) OS Reliability (II) Microkernels (L4) GPU & OS SELinux SEL4 Android Security/TaintDroid Browser Security (I) Browser Security (II) Side Channel Analysis (I) Side Channel Analysis (II) Control Flow Integrity (I) Control Flow Integrity (II) 11/17/2018 Spring Lecture #11

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