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Research and Creative (New Faculty Orientation, 8/20/18)

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Presentation on theme: "Research and Creative (New Faculty Orientation, 8/20/18)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Research and Creative Activity @FSU (New Faculty Orientation, 8/20/18)
W. Ross Ellington, Associate VP for Research & Professor of Biological Science ON BEHALF OF: Gary K. Ostrander Ph.D., Vice President for Research and President, FSU Research Foundation

2 Office of Research Mission Components Support for research and creative activities Why apply for external funding?

3 Role of the Office of Research at FSU
Support research and creative activities across disciplines (from the arts to the “hard sciences”) Broaden the awareness of FSU’s research and creative accomplishments locally and beyond Protect and commercialize FSU’s intellectual and creative properties Encourage and facilitate our faculty to obtain sponsored research funding Provide all the needed support prior to (pre-award) and after (post-award) receipt of funding Ensure compliance with Federal, State and private agency policies for use of funds as well as the conduct of research (ethics, human subjects, animal care & use, export controls, data security etc etc)

4 Office of Research Sponsored Research Administration (SRA)
Laboratory Animal Resources (LAR) Human Subjects Federal Relations Research Compliance Office of Commercialization Office of Proposal Development FSU Research Foundation

5 Council on Research and Creativity (CRC)
CRC consists of ~40 faculty from across campus- administers internal grant programs (~$2.2M/year) Provides advice to the VP for Research on matters relating to research and creative activities Internal grant programs: Arts and Humanities Program Enhancement Grants (AHPEGs) Committee on Faculty Research Support (COFRS) First Year Assistant Professor Awards (FYAPs) Funding Agency Travel Program (FAT)

6 Council on Research and Creativity (CRC) cont.
Small Grant Program (SGP) Planning Grants (PG) Multidisciplinary Support Program (MDS) Equipment and Infrastructure Enhancement Grant (EIEG) Three honorary programs: Distinguished Research Professor Award (DRP) Developing Scholar Awards (DSA) Distinguished University Scholar (DUS)

7 Sources of Funding for Research and Creative Activities
International, Federal, State, and local agencies Private Foundations CRC Chair, Dean and/or VP Sponsored Research and Development Funds (SRAD) FY18: FSU faculty generated >$210M in external contract & grant awards

8 Why apply for external funding?
Provides freedom and flexibility to pursue your research and creative activity dreams Provides peer-based validation of the quality of your scholarship and your standing in the community Writing of proposals helps to clarify and focus your thinking; enhances skills at selling your ideas Resources, resources, resources………………. Travel Summer salary Supports students (1) Shortens time to degree ( 2) Replaces State $ to provide support for additional students

9 Good Luck!!! (Gary Ostrander)
(gateway) (me!)

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