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Elena Wildner, CERN For the Beta Beam Collaboration

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1 Elena Wildner, CERN For the Beta Beam Collaboration
Beta Beams Elena Wildner, CERN For the Beta Beam Collaboration HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 1

2 The Beta Beam Facility Collaborations
P. Zuchelli:” A novel concept for a neutrino factory: the beta-beam”, Phys. Let. B, 532 (2002) FP6 “Research Infrastructure Action - Structuring the European Research Area” EURISOL DS Project Contract no RIDS) Ended 2008 FP7 “Design Studies” (Research Infrastructures) EUROnu (Grant agreement no.: ) Ongoing work from 2008 Lasts till fall 2012 Focus on a feasible and realistic facility with good physics reach 2 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

3 Neutrino Beams from Beta Beams
Produce suitable beta (+/-) active isotopes Available reaction energy of a specific isotope: Q Accelerate beta active isotopes The ions will get a maximum gamma boost gmax (En  2gmaxQ) Store them and let them decay in a race track storage ring gmax depends on the available accelerators depends on the Z/A of the ion is chosen for the physics reach wanted Merit factor: g/Q Lower flux with distance Higher x-sections with energy Higher flux with g 3 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

4 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
High-Q and Low-Q pairs Isotope 6He 18Ne A/Z 3 1.8 decay b - b + t1/2 [s] 0.81 1.67 Q [MeV] 3.51 3.0 8Li and 8B 6He and 18Ne NuBase t1/2 at rest (ground state) 1 – 60 s 1ms – 1s Isotope 8Li 8B A/Z 2.7 1.6 decay b - b + t1/2 [s] 0.83 0.77 Q [MeV] 12.96 13.92 Higher Q-value gives higher n-energy, better x-sections but needs longer baseline 4 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

5 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Beta beams at CERN Use of CERN machines and infrastructures, existing technology Beta Beam are unique to CERN Bunching and first acceleration: ECR, linac Rapid cycling synchrotron Use of existing machines: PS and SPS Relativistic gamma=100 for both ions SPS allows maximum of 150 (6He) or 250 (18Ne) Gamma choice optimized for physics reach Opportunity to share detectors with astrophysics etc. ??? Frejus, Gran Sasso, Canfranc, CNGS-Umbria, … Minimum n-rates after Decay Ring for physics reach 2.9*1018 anti-neutrinos from 6He neutrinos from 18Ne beta beams (CERN) 5 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

6 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
CERN Beta Beams, Synoptic RCS Baseline Dotted lines: alternative layouts SPL Linac4 Linac ISOL target Molten Salt Loop Collection PR 6He 18Ne n-Beam 8B/8Li 6He/18Ne ECR RFQ Linac 100 MeV DR PS What is changing is mainly the production SPS PS and SPS existing RCS Decay Ring: Br ~ 500 Tm, B = ~6 T, C = ~6900 m, Lss= ~2500 m, g = 100, all ions 6 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

7 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
CERN Beta Beams, Synoptic Dotted lines: alternative layouts RCS SPL Linac4 ISOL target Molten Salt Loop n-Beam Fréjus 6He 18Ne ECR RFQ 6He/18Ne Linac 100 MeV DR PS What is changing is mainly the production SPS PS and SPS existing RCS Br ~ 500 Tm, B = ~6 T, C = ~6900 m, Lss= ~2500 m, g = 100, all ions 7 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

8 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
EUROnu physics Gamma 100 Gamma 100 Gamma 350 Gamma 350 Gamma 350 M. Mezetto Gamma 100 8 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

9 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
CPV Flux Systematics SF The systematic error estimation is important (detectors and beam) Beta beam neutrino flux can be calculated with current monitors in the accelerator. Extend plots (calculations) to higher theta13 Reduction of Suppression needed for atmospheric background !!! Flux 9 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

10 CPV for the Fréjus option (6He&18Ne)
Courtesy E. Fernandez, P. Coloma, C. Hansen SF for atmospheric bg suppression: serious constraint for bBeams Larger sin22q13 constraint is relaxed larger bunches permitted higher neutrino fluxes Calculations should be extended range beyond Chooz limit ? SF 2% seems sufficient for larger sin22q13 (0.6% used up till now) 10 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

11 CPV - nFlux: Fréjus &Canfranc
Courtesy E. Fernandez, P. Coloma, C. Hansen Nominal flux Dashed SuperBeam to Fréjus 2*Nominal flux 5*Nominal flux Fréjus, SF 1% Canfranc, SF 1% Fréjus:18Ne ( n/year) & 6He ( n/year), g=100 Canfranc:18Ne ( n/year, g=250) & 8He ( n/year, g=100) Other ion combinations may be efficient (A. Donini) Negative delta, matter effects give degeneracies with the mass hierarchy. Larger flux: no degeneracies, sensitivity for negative delta would increase, measurement of the mass hierarchy would be possible Systematics from big fiducial volume not good Liquid Argon for Canfranc? 11 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

12 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Mass Hierarchy Canfranc, Beta Beam setting: and Flux: Nominal 2* Nominal 5* Nominal 12 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

13 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Beta Beam Challenges Isotope production ok now ! n emmitters “easy” to produce, measured rates are sufficient n are more difficult: we can make them “on paper” Exp. for Ne18 production verification are ongoing Atmospheric background suppression We loose particles from necessary collimation We get short intense bunches in the Decay Ring, may get unstable We can relax the suppression with recent results from T2K! High intensities in the existing machines Beam instabilities Radiation Follow carefully the LHC injector upgrades The present machine cycles Optimization possible 13 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

14 Isotope production rates
Aim: for low-Q Targets below MWatt is a considerable advantage! More is possible Planned experiments NB :8Li can be produced in rates comparable to 6He using similar technology T. Stora, P Valko, E. Benedetto, E. Wildner… HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

15 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Status, technologies SF in Decay Ring (CERN, Cockroft) RF hardware seems feasible 60 GHz Ion Source (LPSC, CNRS, Grenoble) Tests of magnetic field for plasma containment ok Tests of assembly with 28 GHz (emmittances and efficiencies) 60 GHz gyrotron: awaiting reception 2012 Collection of high-Q ions from production ring (UCL, Louvain) Collection ok Efficiencies now measured Measurements of x-sections 8B and 8Li (INFN, Legnaro) Analysis of results available in September Decay Ring Redesigned (CEA) Collective effects less important Collimation in Decay Ring (CERN) Needs good solution 15 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

16 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Implementation and Costing How to chose a facilty? Performance/Cost Part of EUROnu mandate Synergy bB/SB Safety has to be included HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

17 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Conclusion T2K: Optimization for excellent physics reach is ongoing We can now reduce the SF for bg suppression (if T2K) Flux will be considerably increased Optimization of L/E SPS can give gamma up to 250 for 18Ne, may be interesting now Systematic errors need complete evaluation Detector, WC but also Liquid Argon (EUROnu WP5) Beam (alignment and current monitoring in accelerator) To be included in the comparison analysis (all facilities) Technical work in very good progress isotope production confirmed for 6He, 18Ne experiment ongoing Ion source being tested Cross section measurements for high-Q isotopes ok All results have to be iterated Work on physics and accelerators in collaboration to be continued 17 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

18 Thank you for your attention HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
18 18 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

19 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Support slides 19 19 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

20 The Production Ring (8B and 8Li)
Production of 8B and 8Li C. Rubbia, EUROnu proposal Gas Jet target proposed in FP7: too high density would be needed vacuum problems Direct Production (D. Neuffer) with liquid film targets Collaboration ANL (Benedetto/Nolen) Aachen Univ., GSI, CERN High-Q 8B and 8Li will not be considered for the time being We will not explore the low-Q gamma 350 option 20 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

21 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Managing intensities: “Ion Cocktails” Collective effects important Less collective effects Summary by A. Donini HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

22 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Collective Effects limits, Decay Ring Only Transverse Mode Coupling Instabilities Recent Encouraging results, redesigned decay ring ! Phase slip factor changed C. Hansen, CERN & A. Chance, CEA 22 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

23 Atm. Background suppression
1014 ions, ~0.5% duty (supression) factor can now be reduced Gives possibilities to give more neutrino flux 20 bunches, 5.2 ns long, distance 23*4 nanosseconds filling 1/11 of the Decay Ring, repeated every 23 microseconds Work on HW feasibility by Cockroft institute/Lancaster Univ. G. Burt 23 23 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

24 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Collection device Measurements/Analysis ongoing for the collected 8Li Direct kinematics is possible, efficiencies to be evaluated Setup and measurements for 8B production and collection ongoing CRC, Louvain la Neuve HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

25 X-sections, Energies and Angles, Li and B
2011 Measurements are finished ! INFN, Legnaro 25 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner E.Vardaci

26 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
60 GHz Source status 28 GHz waveguide High voltage ring Plasma chamber Plasma electrode Extraction insulator Puller Conceptual design of the internal parts of the ECRIS prototype Delivery of the GANIL 28 GHz gyrotron to LPSC LPSC-LNCMI discussions for experiments Ion beam at 28 GHz with SEISM prototype (fall 2011) Magnetic field measurements, A (60 GHz) Design of the High intensity beam line Follow-up the 60 GHz gyrotron building 400 A Power supply and magnet LPSC Euronu contract status Hiring a one year post-doc T. Lamy 26 HEP 2011, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

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