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Atomic Structure Nucleus Protons Neutrons Electrons.

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Presentation on theme: "Atomic Structure Nucleus Protons Neutrons Electrons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atomic Structure Nucleus Protons Neutrons Electrons

2 Atomic Structure ELECTRON
Tiny, very light particles Have a negative electrical charge (-) Located in the Electron Cloud Orbit around the outside of the nucleus

3 Atomic Structure PROTON
Much larger and heavier than electrons Protons have a positive charge (+) Located in the nucleus of the atom

4 Atomic Structure NEUTRON
Large and heavy like protons Neutrons have no electrical charge Located in the nucleus of the atom

5 Mass of Sub Atomic Particles

6 Atomic Structure What limitations does this atomic model have?

7 Atom Compared to a Baseball Stadium
If a marble representing the nucleus of an atom, is sitting on second base in a baseball stadium, the entire stadium would represent the size of the atom.

8 Atom – Penny Comparison
If you enlarged a penny to the size of the United States, each atom in the penny would only be the size of a ping pong ball.

9 So there are the same number of atoms in a penny as it would take ping pong balls to cover the US!!!

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