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FBA-BIP Team Action Plan

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Presentation on theme: "FBA-BIP Team Action Plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 FBA-BIP Team Action Plan
1. Today’s Date: 2. Team Members: 3. Our team’s areas of strength, short-term & long-term concerns/needs are: 4. Our next goals are (based on #3): 5. Our team’s action plan is: (based on #4): 6. Team Signatures (the whole team created and commits to the plan):

Identify staff who have completed the FDLRS 6-hour “FBA and More” course or equivalent coursework, and any staff who may have advanced training and experience (including those with certification in behavior analysis). Recruit / assemble a new FBA-BIP team, or modify the functions of an existing school team. Plan additional training, as needed. Meet and agree upon specific member roles based on strengths Determine a system to screen discipline data to identify students needing early intervention. Determine a system to triage (prioritize) the most urgent referrals to be addressed first. Check the schoolwide (Tier 1) Behavioral Interventions/Systems. Are 75% or more of the students succeeding? How can Tier 1 be improved? Check the classwide/small group (Tier 2) Behavioral Interventions/Systems provided to each referred student. Are 75% or more of the students succeeding? How can Tier 2 be improved?

Our goals should be SMART: S (specific) M (measurable) A (attainable) R (realistic) and T (timely). Our Action Plan for each goal clearly states: What (steps/activities to achieve goal): Who (will be responsible): When (realistic date that each step/activity will be done): Proof (measure of expected outcomes):

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