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Rural Land Use Patterns

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1 Rural Land Use Patterns

2 Village Forms Nucleated Settlement – a settlement where buildings are clustered around a particular point. (Commonly found in MDC’s; particularly in the USA) Dispersed Settlement – where buildings in a settlement are not clustered around a particular point but are scattered in a random fashion (Commonly found in LDC’s; also found in rural areas all over the world)


4 Village forms Linear: settlement which follows the line of, for example, a road or river Clustered: Japan – need to allocate every available foot of land for farming Round: Africa – central cattle corral Grid: US – township-and-range system Walled: for protection from attack

5 Patterns of Settlements
Size and structure of rural regions depend on space, environment, social norms and laws Primogeniture – land passed down to first born; larger plots of land (Northern Europe, Americas, S. Africa, Aus. & N.Z.) Land divided among heirs – smaller (S. Europe, Asia, Africa) Township-and-Range system – U.S.; Northwest Ordinance (1787) – rectangular survey system (dispersed settlers more evenly)

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