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1 Slides for public – no confidential information
Chair’s presentation Alectinib for untreated anaplastic lymphoma kinase-positive advanced non-small cell lung cancer – STA 2nd Appraisal Committee meeting Committee D Lead team: Dr Nabeel Alsindi, Susan Dutton, Malcolm Oswald ERG: BMJ-TAG NICE technical team: Lucy Beggs, Christian Griffiths Company: Roche Products Ltd. 15th May 2018

2 Current treatment for advanced NSCLC
CONFIDENTIAL Current treatment for advanced NSCLC Ceritinib (TA395) ALK-positive ALK status unknown Pemetrexed with cisplatin (TA181) ALK-positive status confirmed Crizotinib (TA406) Crizotinib (TA422) Alectinib? Chemotherapy Best supportive care Ceritinib (TA500) NB: not in scope for appraisal Alectinib marketing authorisation: ‘…as a monotherapy is indicated for the first line treatment of adult patients with anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)-positive advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)’ National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Pre-meeting briefing – insert title in notes master view Issue date: [Month year]

3 Key clinical evidence: ALEX trial
ALEX open-label RCT: alectinib vs crizotinib Overall survival data immature (median OS not reached in either arm) Key outcomes Hazard ratio (95% CI) Investigator assessed PFS 0.47 (0.34, 0.65) IRC assessed PFS using RECIST 0.50 (0.36, 0.70) Overall survival 0.76 (0.48, 1.20) To demonstrate alectinib’s role in the CNS, company split analyses… Progression-free survival = survival without any progression events CNS-progression-free survival = survival without a CNS progression event Company’s PFS analyses used IRC CNS-RECIST and RECIST ERG & committee preferred IRC RECIST only Both show benefit of alectinib in delaying progression in the CNS

4 Cost-effectiveness modelling
Partitioned survival model with 4 states: progression-free survival, CNS progressed disease, non-CNS progressed disease and death Overall survival extrapolation: Company used exponential extrapolation ERG & committee preferred Kaplan-Meier + exponential tail Progression-free survival extrapolation: Company used Kaplan-Meier + exponential tail (committee accepted) CNS-PFS extrapolation: Company used gamma distribution ERG: lognormal or log-logistic better, but negligible impact on ICER Utilities: Progression-free state = 0.814 Non-CNS progressed disease state = 0.725 CNS-progressed disease state = 0.520

5 Management of progression
Subsequent treatments: Subsequent therapy data only available for 41% patients in ALEX Clinical experts at meeting estimated subsequent treatment distribution… 50% Crizotinib Alectinib Chemotherapy Best supportive care Ceritinib 70-80% 40-50% 20-30% 50-60% 1st line % receive 2L % receive 3L Key: Management of CNS metastases: Clinical experts expected majority of patients to receive steroids Clinical experts at meeting estimated ~20-25% of patients would have stereotactic radiosurgery and 25% would have whole-brain radiotherapy Surgical resection may also be an option

6 Committee’s considerations in ACD (1)
Issue Committee’s consideration Measurement of PFS and CNS-PFS Preferred independent over investigator assessment Preferred assessment using RECIST criteria (compared with RECIST & CNS-RECIST) Clinical efficacy (compared with crizotinib) Alectinib improves progression-free survival Alectinib improves CNS-progression-free survival Insufficient evidence to draw conclusion about overall survival benefit 59% missing data on subsequent treatments  potential confounding of overall survival Extrapolation of survival curves Non-proportional hazards Accepted PFS extrapolation using KM data + exponential tail Accepted CNS-PFS extrapolation using gamma distribution (although preferred log normal or log-logistic, had negligible impact on ICER) Preferred OS extrapolation KM data + exponential tail

7 Committee’s considerations in ACD (2)
Issue Committee’s consideration Utility values Accepted for progression-free health state Accepted for CNS progressed disease state Considered that for non-CNS progressed disease state may be too high Wastage ‘No wastage’ assumption for alectinib & crizotinib Subsequent treatments Preferred clinical experts’ estimates: Crizotinib arm: 2L ceritinib = 70-80% 3L chemotherapy = 40-50% 3L best supportive care = 50-60% Alectinib arm: 2L chemotherapy = 50% 2L best supportive care = 50% Oncologist visits Preferred assumption that oncologist visits are every 4 weeks

8 Committee’s considerations in ACD (3)
Issue Committee’s consideration Management of CNS progressed disease Preferred clinical experts’ estimates: Majority receive steroids Stereotactic radiotherapy = 20-25% Whole-brain radiotherapy = 25% End of life criteria & innovation End of life criteria not met; life expectancy with standard care > 2 years & uncertainty about extension to life Alectinib may be innovative but no additional evidence of benefits that had not been captured through QALYs and resulting ICERs Cancer Drugs Fund More mature data could resolve clinical uncertainty about benefits of alectinib However, concluded does not show plausible potential to be cost-effective ∴ not recommended for CDF ICER Most plausible ICER was above £30,000 per QALY gained

9 ACD Preliminary Recommendation
Alectinib is not recommended, within its marketing authorisation, for untreated ALK-positive advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in adults

10 ACD consultation responses
CONFIDENTIAL ACD consultation responses Consultee comments from: Roche Commentator comments from: Pfizer Web comments from: 1 GP (also a patient) 5 patients/carer National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Pre-meeting briefing – insert title in notes master view Issue date: [Month year]

11 Consultation topic in order of discussion
Consultation comments: Comments on model inputs & data Summary of web comments Additional evidence from company: Summary of committee preferences and company’s revised analysis Use of RECIST only data Subsequent treatment distributions Management of CNS metastases Updated data-cut Company’s new base-case Updated scenario analysis

12 Comments on model inputs & data
Consultation comments from Pfizer (crizotinib): Input variable Current input Suggested input Likely impact on ICER* Crizotinib dose 500mg once daily 250mg twice daily No impact Administration cost £9.20 £14.40 Minimal ↑ ALK testing £2380 (£75 p/test) £2380 (£75 p/test + £120 confirmation) Data Current Suggested Likely impact on ICER* PROFILE1014 OS outcomes used in TA406 Median = 21.7 months, mean = 29 months Median = 24.6 months, mean = 33.9 months PROFILE1014 = supplementary info, only for validation *calculated by NICE technical team

13 Summary of web comments
Themes from the consultation: Profile of ALK-positive patients: ‘young, fit and ‘healthy’’ Many people diagnosed are younger than 50  treatment enables a relatively normal life and continued contribution to society Because ALK-positive patients can be younger & non-smokers, may be misdiagnosed/diagnosed later  disadvantaged Importance of CNS protection & avoiding risk of leptomeningeal disease 1L crizotinib has poor CNS penetration Alectinib has fewer side effects than crizotinib Treatment with alectinib  ‘Although I am not curable, I am currently living well with my cancer.’ ‘Life saving drug which will surely make a huge difference to many patients & families’

14 Committee preferences and company’s revised analysis
CONFIDENTIAL Committee preferences and company’s revised analysis Committee preference: Did company revise? Assessment of progression by IRC using RECIST criteria OS extrapolation using KM data + exponential tail ‘No wastage’ assumption Subsequent treatment distribution in line with clinical practice ? Slide 18 Oncologist visit every 4 weeks CNS metastases managed in line with clinical practice Lower utility value for non-CNS progressed disease state (Scenario) Company also submitted a revised Patient Access Scheme discount National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Pre-meeting briefing – insert title in notes master view Issue date: [Month year]

15 Use of RECIST only data In ACM1: Consultation:
Company captured CNS & non-CNS progression events using RECIST + CNS-RECIST criteria Committee preferred RECIST only as concluded CNS-RECIST not used in clinical practice Consultation: Company updated base-case to use data captured by RECIST only However, highlighted that: Using RECIST only could potentially underestimate number of patients with CNS-progression because ALEX clinicians were not required to capture progression location  events without further information classed as ‘non-CNS’ Events captured only by CNS-RECIST + RECIST are likely to eventually be picked up by RECIST  CNS-RECIST + RECIST just captures the same events earlier

16 Subsequent treatment distributions
In ACM1: Committee preferred distribution reflecting clinical practice, estimated as: Post-alectinib (2L) Post-crizotinib (2L) Chemo. BSC Ceritinib 50% 70-80% 0% 20-30% Post-ceritinib (3L) Chemo. BSC 40-50% 50-60% Consultation: Company modelled 2 scenarios based on estimate ranges: Scenario Post-alectinib (2L) Post-crizotinib (2L) Chemo. BSC Ceritinib Option 1 50% 75% 25% Option 2 70% 30% = company base-case

17 Management of CNS metastases
In ACM1: Committee preferred distribution reflecting clinical practice, estimated as: Scenario SRS WBRT Surgical resection Steroids Clinical expert estimates 20-25% 25% Sometimes used Most people Consultation: Company modelled 2 scenarios based on estimate ranges: Scenario SRS WBRT Surgical resection Steroids Option 1 22.5% 25% 5% 100% Option 2 20% 0% = company base-case

18 Company’s new base case
Updated assumptions: RECIST only data No wastage Oncologist visits every 4 weeks OS extrapolation = KM data for 18 months + exponential tail Subsequent treatment distribution = Option 2 CNS metastases management = Option 2 Updated base case results (list price): Total costs Total LYG Total QALYs Inc costs Inc LYG Inc QALYs ICER £/QALY Crizotinib £143,986 4.32 2.84 Alectinib £209,668 5.14 3.79 £65,681 0.83 0.95 £69,310

19 Updated data-cut Updated ALEX data cut *******
Only available for investigator-assessed outcomes as both IRCs were disbanded after primary analysis Outcome Alectinib median Crizotinib median HR (95% CI) PFS ********* **************** DOR OS Alectinib ********PFS in subgroups with CNS metastases at baseline **************** and without **************** Because committee preferred IRC assessed PFS, updated PFS data not included in base-case economic analysis Updated OS results included as scenario analysis

20 Company scenario analysis
Scenarios: Subsequent treatment = Option 1, CNS management = Option 1 Subsequent treatment = Option 2, CNS management = Option 2, Updated OS data cut Subsequent treatment = Option 1, CNS management = Option 1, Updated OS data cut Subsequent treatment distribution = Option 2, CNS management = Option 2, Roughley et al. utility value used for non-CNS progressed disease health state (0.65 instead of 0.725) Scenario analysis results (list price): Inc costs Inc LYG Inc QALYs ICER £/QALY Scenario 1 £63,380 0.83 0.95 £66,881 Scenario 2 £67,234 1.05 1.10 £61,070 Scenario 3 £64,949 £58,994 Scenario 4 £65,681 0.88 £74,563

21 ERG comment on revised analysis Subsequent treatments & utilities
Accept company’s modelling of cost of subsequent treatments Agree that limiting analysis to 2L tx helps ‘contain’ uncertainty However, concerned that impact on quality of life not captured In company’s model, progression utilities associated with subsequent treatment (regardless of progression site) ERG preferred to model utility based on site of tumour progression (e.g. CNS vs non-CNS) Utilities weighted to reflect distributions of subsequent tx in each arm Applied Roughley et al. decrement to CNS-PD utility  0.52 to 0.58 ERG revised utilities: 2L TKI 2L chemo BSC PFS Non-CNS CNS Alectinib 0.81 Do not receive TKI 0.57 0.58 0.47 Crizotinib 0.65 Do not receive chemo

22 ERG’s preferred base-case
Accept modelling of IRC RECIST only, frequency of oncologist visits, no wastage assumption & management of CNS metastases Prefer original IRC PFS and updated OS analysis (BUT caveat that updated OS is still immature & confounded by missing subsequent tx data) Preferred assumptions: Progressed disease utility values related to progression-site Utilities weighted to reflect subsequent treatment distributions in each treatment arm Roughley et al. decrement applied to CNS progressed disease utility  increased from 0.52 to 0.58 Using OS data from updated data-cut ERG base case results (list price): Total costs Total QALYs Inc costs Inc QALYs ICER £/QALY Crizotinib £144,255 2.53 Alectinib £211,490 3.39 £67,234 0.86 £78,555

23 Key Issues Does the updated modelling of subsequent treatment distribution reflect clinical practice? Should the post-progression utilities be modelled as: One utility applied to all patients post-progression, regardless of progression site? (company) Related to progression site, dependent on treatment (ERG) Should the Roughley et al. decrement be applied to CNS-PD utility (0.58 or 0.52)? Does the new data-cut provide information about whether alectinib prolongs survival compared with crizotinib? Should the most plausible ICER used for decision making be based on an OS extrapolation (KM + exponential) using Kaplan- Meier data from the old or new data cut?

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