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WMO Capacity Development Strategy

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1 WMO Capacity Development Strategy
World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO Support for WIGOS WMO Capacity Development Strategy Rob Masters, Director Development and Regional Activities

2 Crosscutting all activities
Capacity Development Crosscutting all activities of NMHS activities Capacity Development

3 GFCS WIGOS QMS/Comp Sendai 200 + Regional Centers GISCs RCOFs 191 40
Reg DRR Platforms Sendai

4 Based on 2006 Survey

5 Strategic Objectives WMO Capacity Development Strategy
Objective 1: Define required capacities and identify deficiencies Objective 2: Increase visibility and national ownership CDS Objective 3: Optimize Knowledge Management Objective 4: Reinforce Resource Mobilization and Project Management Vision Mission Strategic Objectives Strategic Approaches Key Activities Objective 5: Strengthen Global, Regional and Sub-Regional Mechanisms Implementation Plan Objective 6: Increase Education and Research Opportunities 5 5

6 Areas of on-going focus:
Build holistic view of WMO programme activities to implement CD Strategic Objectives Continue focus on service, risk mitigation and soc/econ benefit to build national and partner support Continue and expand direct country assistance (advocacy, assessments, project formulation, strategic planning) Continue and expand education and fellowships opportunities especially in priority areas Continue assistance in establishing appropriate national legal and policy frameworks Capacity Development Strategy

7 Capacity Development Strategy
New areas of focus: Clarify technical standards, guidelines, practices Cultivate “culture of compliance” Focus assistance on compliance (esp priority areas for LDCs/SIDS) and priority areas (WIGOS, Aviation, GFCS, DRR) Establish mechanisms for gathering and monitoring NMHS development (Categories, CPDB, Survey) Establish consolidated baseline information Consolidate list of gaps at national, regional, global levels Use new information in seeking National and partner support as well as in the development of new priorities/goals for Clarify roles of WMO bodies and regional centers in CD Build strong project oversight (create PCU and Project Oversight Board) Strengthen regional offices: more staff in regions, regional economic groupings, regional organizations partnerships, Capacity Development Strategy

8 Capacity Development Strategy Implementation Plan 2012-2013

9 Capacity Development Strategy Implementation Plan 2012-2013

10 Capacity Development Strategy Implementation Plan 2012-2013 (cont)

11 Need to be more intentional in using Priority Areas (2016-2019)
Service Delivery Strategy Priority Areas Gaps in capability GFCS WIGOS Aviation DRR Strengthening NMHSs and Improving Services to Members

12 Thank You!! Rob Masters Director, Development and Regional Activities

13 Update on E-Guide and CPDB
The Role and Operation of Met Service (online) Role and Operation of Met Service Guide Country Profile Database Country Profile Database (CPDB) Project Assist Members to know about WMO Organizational Standards, Recommended practices, checklists Helpful resources Assist Members to share their info with WMO community Follow the status and development needs of Members Improve planning, implementation of projects and activities Promote synergies between Members, the secretariat, cooperating partners, funding agencies and other stakeholders Assist Monitoring & Evaluation 13 13

14 Please try out the CPDB

15 Foreseen by Congress 17 Letter to PRs Fact Sheet
finalization of surveys (for institutional information) Update of data…need to maintain current/accurate data Naming of focal points to assist PRs Regional Office involvement facilitate national data input use CPDB data to assist Members Designation of National Focal Points for CPDB 4

16 Progress on CPDB / Initial Operating Capability
Development of Project Plan Recast Governance Structure – “Steering Committee” WMO Departments appointed Focal Points CPDB integrated part WMO IT infrastructure Hired of Project Manager ECWG – CD Task Team on CPDB held Steering Committee approved IOC to start Finalize transition to UNICC Send information to PRs User management: HelpDesk 1

17 Progress on CPDB/Preparation for operations
Migration to production environment Moved to UNICC hosted server (backup, security) Dedicated development environment Adaptation to online PUB5 Data Update Interface improved Regional Views (Regional Centres, WIS, Commissions) Improvements in ability of WMO to update data by section 2

18 Regional views 3

19 Categorization of NMHSs
Builds on GFCS categories of climate service Adds Meteorological and Hydrological Services Self-assessment (NMHS level set by NMHS) Purpose Link capacity needed to desired service – build national support Rudimentary global baseline of NMHS service levels Diagnostic (but not intended as measure of quality or performance) Resource Mobilization Motivational Incremental approach to increased capacity 19

20 GFCS Levels of Services categories
NMHSs to provide 4 different climate services levels Basic Essential Full Advanced 20 20

21 Description of capacity needed to meet service level
Levels of Services Level of Service Weather Services Climate Services Hydrology Services Description of capacity needed to meet service level Category 1 - Basic Weather observations Weather Data Management Interaction with weather data and product users Climate observations Climate Data Management Interaction with climate data and product users Hydrological observations Hydrological Data Management Interaction with hydrology data and product users Small network of quality controlled observations Basic data processing, archiving and communication systems Little or no backup / offsite storage, or contingency options Rudimentary staff (observers and some meteorologists trained to BIP standards) No 24 /7 operation Rudimentary QMS No R&D Category 2 - Essential Medium-range (synoptic scale) forecasts and warnings Established links with media and DRR communities Seasonal Climate outlooks Climate monitoring Hydrological data products for design and operation of water supply structures Water level and flow monitoring Short-term flow forecasts (low flows) Flood forecasting Able to integrate and take observations from other parties Well-established protocols for emergencies, backup of data and minimum offsite facilities Staff (observers and meteorologists trained to BIP standards) 24/7 operation. QMS well established Access most NWP data/products from other centres Small R&D Some partnerships as junior members Category 3 – Full Specialized weather products for wide range of sectors Well integrated into DRR communities and mature links with media Specialized climate products Decadal climate prediction Long-term climate projections Seasonal stream flow outlooks Specialized hydrology products Advanced observation equipment Runs own NWP suite R&D Well educated/trained staff Own training group Developed library and information services Active partnerships with NMHSs taking a leading role Category 4 - Advanced Customized weather products Weather application tools. Customized climate products Climate application tools Customized hydrology products Hydrology application tools Advanced observations Leading R&D Well developed ETR Levels appropriate? Criteria? 21

22 ECWG on Capacity Development
Established by EC following Cg-16 and met in 2012 and 2013 to prepare the CDS Strategy and Implementation Plan (CDSIP) approved by EC 65 and EC 66 Reviewed E-Guide on Role and Operation of NMHSs and the CPDB At 2013 meeting the ECWG-CD called for continued work on the Country Profile Data Base (CPDB) and categorization of NMHS by service levels   Foresaw  the creation of Task Teams (TT) to facilitate progress in these to areas   Prior to EC 66, TT on the CPDB was held  If re-established at EC 67 after Cg17), a meeting of the ECWG-CD in late 2015 or early 2016 is being discussed with the working group Co-chairs would focus on the review of the current CDSIP and preparation of a new CDSIP for the next financial period   Later this year, the TT on Categorization of NMHSs is envisaged ECWG-CD report would be given to EC 68

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