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How and Why You Must Not do It!

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Presentation on theme: "How and Why You Must Not do It!"— Presentation transcript:

1 How and Why You Must Not do It!
Plagiarism How and Why You Must Not do It!

2 Introduction First of all, you can go to these websites to learn more.
Of course, there are probably lots of sites in Korean language that would also be helpful.

3 What is Plagiarism? From
“Plagiarism is an act of fraud*. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.” * fraud = deception, dishonesty, cheating

4 What is Plagiarism? Basically, any time you copy someone else’s writing and claim that it is yours, you are stealing their work, and it is called plagiarism. Even if it is only one sentence, you cannot copy it.

5 However … In this class, it shouldn’t be a problem because I don’t want you to do too much research. Most of the ‘information’ (the content) of your paragraphs will have to come from your own mind. We are focusing on paragraph and sentence structures, so I’m not very concerned with the content right now.

6 Just in case, though… We should try to understand the basics of plagiarism It is not considered plagiarism if: You put the sentence or phrase in quotation marks (“ ”) and you tell the reader where it came from. Example: According to, “plagiarism is fraud.”

7 Just in case, though… It is not considered plagiarism if:
The information in your sentence/paragraph is considered common knowledge:

8 Just in Case, Though… Example
Coffee contains caffeine, which can negatively affect sleep patterns. This is a well-known fact, so it does not have to be quoted (unless you are using an author’s exact words – but in this case, why would you? It’s easy to make your own sentence!)

9 but… Even if it is a well-known fact (common knowledge) you cannot use another writer’s words to express it. Yes, I know that this is strange at first … Just be careful …

10 Be Careful My example, “Coffee contains caffeine, which can negatively affect sleep patterns,” is a general fact that most people know to be true. I didn’t need to research it, or discover it. It is not new or surprising.

11 Be careful However, this sentence is a bit different:
An 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee typically contains 108 milligrams of caffeine. Can you see why it is different?

12 Be careful The second sentence is much more specific and contains information that may be arguable, doubted, not fully accepted, partial, etc. This means that the reader may want to check the information for herself. Therefore, it is the writer’s responsibility to tell the reader where that information came from. But this sentence does not have to be put in quotation marks because ….

13 Be careful I got the information from this chart from

14 Be careful

15 [there are other ways to do this, but don’t worry about that now]
Be careful There is no sentence to copy, but the information is not ‘mine’. I didn’t come up with it on my own so a better sentence might be something like: According to the caffeine database on, an 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee typically contains 108 milligrams of caffeine. [there are other ways to do this, but don’t worry about that now]

16 More importantly As I mentioned earlier, for this class, I will (mostly) be asking for your own ideas. You won’t have to research much, and maybe not at all. So, the only thing we have to worry about is ….

17 Copying: CTRL+C Copying sentences or paragraphs from: The Internet
Books Other students Really, copying anything from anywhere will get you an F

18 This is Plagiarism Cheongju has been an important provincial town since ancient times. During Hideyoshi's Invasions of Korea, Cheongju was the site of the Battle of Chongju, during which the Korean forces re-took the city from the Japanese forces in an important early victory. The government of the province relocated here from Chungju in The opening of the Chungbuk-line in 1926 sparked regional development. In 1946, Cheongju and Cheongwon-gun were separated, and in 1949, Cheongju was upgraded to Cheongju City. Afterwards, it went through the separation of administrative dong and their transfer to Cheongwon-gun, with 2 branch offices (East and West)established in July 1989 that were upgraded to Sangdang-gu and Heungdeok-gu in January. This paragraph is copied directly from Wikipedia. There are no quotation marks or citations to tell the reader that I did not write this.

19 If you do this …

20 If you do this…

21 If you do this … You will get an ‘F’ for this class!
No explanations, apologies, excuses, reasons, tears, anger, begging, threatening, etc. will save you! I think that’s pretty clear!

22 Be careful … This is also plagiarism:
Cheongju is my hometown, and it is a very interesting city. One of the reasons I like living in Cheongju is that it is in the middle of Korea. It is easy to take a bus or train to many places like Seoul, Taejeon, or even Busan from Cheongju. Cheongju has been an important provincial town since ancient times. I think it is the best city in Korea, even though many of my friends want to move away.

23 Be careful… Even though it is only one sentence, you cannot copy it directly from the Internet (or a book, or even another student!) However, if you put it in quotation marks, you will be safe!

24 Be Careful The Wikipedia article about Cheongju says that, “Cheongju has been an important provincial town since ancient times.”

25 Don’t worry about it! There are actually other things that you should do, too, but for now don’t worry. Proper citations are for another time (advanced composition) and I don’t want you to spend a lot of time searching for information for your compositions (yet). In this class, I want you to practice the structure of paragraphs and the basic processes for making them. Research will come later.

26 When in Doubt… Ask me Cite it anyway Don’t risk it!

27 Finally As a student, it is your job to understand plagiarism. If you don’t understand it, you must find out on your own (it’s pretty easy to find information).

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