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Melilite Group X2YZ2O7.

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Presentation on theme: "Melilite Group X2YZ2O7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Melilite Group X2YZ2O7

2 Melilite Occurrences Melilite generally occurs as Calcium Aluminum Inclusions (CAI) in silica and alkali poor igneous rocks. Barrel-shaped root-beer colored Melilite crystal with clear nepheline. Udersdorf, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. Photomicrograph by Lou Perloff / Photo-Atlas of Minerals

3 Melilite Structure End-Member Na-Melilite Gehlenite Akermanite
Formula CaNaAlSi2O7 Ca2Al(Al,Si)2O7 Ca2MgSi2O7 Form.Wt Z Crystal System Tetr Tetr Tetr Point Group -42m -42m -42m Space Group P-421m P-421m P-421m Unit Cell Tetragonal a = b  c; a = b = g = 90º a(Å) c(Å) Vol(Å3) Molar Vol Density Thermal Expansion(Volumetric) alpha a a

4 Melilite Chemistry X - 8 Coordination Sites
Sr, Na and K can substitute for Ca. Y - Tetrahedral Sites Mn, Al, Fe2+ and Mg are found in these sites. Z – Tetrahedral Sites Al and Si are found in these sites.

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