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Identifying Data Elements for the New Sets of Performance Indicators

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1 Identifying Data Elements for the New Sets of Performance Indicators
Golden Prince Hotel November 23, 2017

2 DATA SETS DATA ELEMENTS INDICATORS Regular Program Profile Graduates by discipline Percentage of tertiary graduates in science, engineering, manufacturing and construction Graduates by program level Program with thesis/dissertation Increased number of MA/PhD graduates engaged in original research of creative work Enrollment by program level and by sex Number of female student enrolled in advance education program Name of program with updated/improved curricula (OBE, Kto 12, etc) Number of curricula and programs developed/revised based on multi-disciplinal platforms that foster 21st century competencies

3 DATA SETS DATA ELEMENTS INDICATORS ETEEAP Programs Graduates per year Enrollment per year Percentage of ETEEAP graduates Research Program Patents/Inventions registered per completed projects/programs Increased number of patents, licenses and royalties issued to HEIs Faculty Profile Faculty with on-going or completed researches Increased number of researchers and scientists Scholarship/Grant/ Financial Assistance Profile Scholars per grants or scholarship program Percentage of students awarded scholarships, grants, and other financial assistance ESGPPA Scholars Number of youth NEET assisted Local and Global Collaboration Program Partner/Collaborating Institution/s by Nature of partnership/collaboration and by Type (Local/Intenational) Increased number of HEIs engaged in local and global partnerships and collaborations

4 DATA SETS DATA ELEMENTS INDICATORS Higher Education Graduate Profile (Graduate Tracer Study) Length of Job search Decreased duration of school-to-work transition of college graduate Status of graduates Increased number of HE graduates engaged in job collaboration MS/PhD Graduates by sex currently employed Percentage of female with advanced degrees employed Institutional Profile Presence of Innovation Hubs or venture lab Increased number of innovation hubs established within HEIs

5 Proposed indicators for 2019

OUTCOME INDICATORS Percentage of tertiary graduates in science, engineering, manufacturing and construction Increased number of higher education graduates able to demonstrate excellence in the 21st Century global knowledge economy Percentage of graduates (2 years prior) that are employed Percentage of graduates out of total students provided scholarships or financial assistance for the year

OUTPUT INDICATORS Percentage of students enrolled in science, engineering, manufacturing and construction Percentage of programs identified as Centers of Excellence, Center of Development, flagship program, or with Level III or IV accreditation out of the total number of programs Number of curricula and programs developed/revised based on multi-disciplinal platforms that foster 21st century competencies Percentage of programs with COPC Percentage of students awarded scholarships, grants, and other financial assistance Percentage of ETEEAP graduates out of students enrolled in ETEAAP

OUTCOME INDICATORS For State Colleges and Professional Institutes: Percentage increase of students who completed graduate degree programs in science, engineering, manufacturing and construction For State Universities: Percentage increase in the percentage of graduate student population enrolled in research degree programs to total graduate student population Percentage of female graduates with advanced degrees employed

OUTPUT INDICATORS For State Universities: Percentage of graduate students enrolled in research degree programs to total number of graduate students For State Colleges and Professional Institutes: Percentage of students who completed graduate degree programs science, engineering, manufacturing and construction

Number of research and development outputs in the last three years utilized by the industry or by other beneficiaries Percentage of graduate school faculty engaged in research work applied in any of the following: a) pursuing advanced research degree programs (Ph.D.) or b) actively pursuing with the last three(3) years (investigative research, basic and applied scientific research, policy research, social science research) or c) producing technologies for commercialization or livelihood improvement or d) Percentage of graduate school faculty whose research work resulted in an extension program Percentage of Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture and Mathematics (STEAM) faculty with at least one research output published in ISI/SCOPUS journal every two years

Increased allocation (GAA+income) for higher education research, development and innovation Increased number of graduate education graduates (MA/PhD) engaged in original research or creative work Increased number of researchers and scientists

Increased number of government industry-academe collaboration/cooperation on research and innovation projects and joint ventures, consultancy contracts and supervisor-faculty exchange number of plantilla faculty assigned to do extension work with at least one publication in an extension journal every year

Number of clients provided technical advice Increase in the number of partnerships with LGUs, industries, NGOs, NGAs, SMEs, and other stakeholders as a result of extension activities. Increase in the number of programs engaged in local and global partnerships and collaborations

Percentage of poor/disadvantaged students (CCP residents) served for non- academic needs Percentage of students (CCP residents) who graduate within the prescribed period

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