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Technical Assistance for Development of a Strategy for Alignment with

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1 Technical Assistance for Development of a Strategy for Alignment with
Common Market Organisation (CMO) Requirements TR2014/AG/10-A1-01/001 This Project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Common Agricultural Policy and Experience of New Member State: The case of Croatia Ankara, 6 February, 2018

2 Importance of Agriculture in EU
Source of income for around 20% of population, which live in predominantly rural regions Rural regions cover 44% of the EU territory Provides job for 22 million farmer and agricultural workers Contributes to the export with 7,5%

3 EU self-sufficiency in agricultural products, 2004 and 2015

4 Average farm size across countries
Turkey: ~̴ 6 ha

5 Average farm size in the EU

6 World top traders of agri-food products (2014-2016)

7 the average farm size is only 7
the average farm size is only 7.9 ha, generally implying small field size

8 EU import, export and trade balance

9 Top EU Agri-food exports to Extra EU 28, in 2016

10 Top EU Agri-food imports from Extra EU 28, in 2016

11 Agri-food trade EU -Turkey, 2006 - 2016

12 Top EU Agri-food exports to Turkey in 2016

13 Top EU Agri-food imports from Turkey in 2016

14 CAP today Pillar I Pillar II Other (Chapter 11) State aid
Direct payments CMO Pillar II Rural development Other (Chapter 11) State aid Paying agency FADN FAS Quality policy Organic production

15 History of CAP (1) Productivity Competitiveness Sustainability
Early years (1960s) Crisis years (1980s) Reform 1992 Agenda 2000 Reform 2003 Reduced surpluses Environment Stabilisation of income Stabilisation of budget Food security Higher productivity Stabilising the markets Income support Excess production Excess costs Intenational disputes Structural measures Continuation of reform Competitiveness Rural development Market orientation Protection of consumers Farm income

16 History of CAP (2)

17 Total EU budget

18 EU Funding Shared management  Commission is responsible for overall management of EAGF, while execution of payments is delegated to MS: MS accredit Paying Agency (PA) PA checks eligibility of applications PA executes payments to beneficiaries PA claims expenditure to the Commission Commission reimburses the expenditure

19 Overview of policy instruments

20 Allocation of Direct payments per Member State
R 1782/2003 R 1307/2013 Sveeden Austria Portugal Finland Lithvania Belgium Slovakia Croatia Latvia Estonia Slovenia Cyprus Luxembourg Malta EU 28 R 1782/2003 R 1307/2013 France Germany Spain Italy UK Poland Greece Romania Hungary Ireland Denmark Czech Bulgaria Netherlands

21 Direct payments schemes
MS envelope compulsory Basic payment scheme (SAPS) Green payment Young farmers payment voluntary Coupled support Small farmers scheme Payment for areas with natural constraints Redistributive payment 30% max 2% max 13+2% max 10 % decoupled max 5% coupled max 30%


23 CMO Set of different measures implemented in a different agricultural sectors Result of a very long evaluation of the CAP In the past: 90% of CAP expenditures

24 Structure of CMO expenditures in 2016 (total 3,2 billion EUR)

25 CMO: Intervention measures
Objective: Support sectors in cases of market disturbances Achievement of the objective: Removal of certain quantities of products from the market by buying-in by the Paying Agency (public intervention) or support to producers who store their products (private storage aid) Selling of stored products on the market Preconditions: References prices monitoring System for implementation must be established and accredited

26 CMO: Aid schemes Preconditions:
Objectives and Achievement of the objectives: Promotion of healthy eating habits: school schemes Stabilisation of the market and concentration of supply: support to OP in the F&V sector Competitiveness and stabilisation of the market in the wine sector: support to national programmes Improved production and marketing in the apiculture sector: support to the national programmes Preconditions: National strategies (school schemes, apiculture, wine) Approved producer organisation in some sectors Principal of co-financing

27 CMO: Marketing standards
Objective: to improve the production, marketing and quality of agricultural products Achievement of the objective: Marketing standards: mandatory rules for certain sectors Optional reserved terms: additional description of added value for certain products Definition, designation and sales description: mandatory rules in marketing of products Precondition: Well established system of controls

28 CMO: Producer organisation
Objective: adjustment of supply to demand, placement on the market of products of members of POS Achievement of the objective: Mandatory recognition of PO (F&V, milk, olive oil, hops, silkworm, tobacco) Optional recognition in other sector Support to PO

29 CMO: Trade measures Objective and achievement of the objective: Mandatory recognition of PO (F&V, milk, olive oil, hops, silkworm, tobacco) Protection of the internal market – general and additional custom duties Monitoring of trade flows – import and export licences Implementation of international markets – tariff quota management Competitivenes on export markets – export refunds Preconditions: Full-fledged EU membership System of securities

30 RD environment

31 RD priorities/actions

32 2014 – 2020 EAFRD funding (€ million)
*Envelopes in place after entry into force on 23rd May 2015 of COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) No 2015/791 amending Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on support for Rural Development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, i.e. after transfers between Direct Payment envelopes and the RDP envelopes; ** includes EU level technical assistance (239 mil. EUR)

33 RD structures Programming - Rural Development Programme - RDP
Monitoring - annual and final reports, Monitoring Committee Evaluation - ex-ante, on-going + interim, ex-post Promotion of RDP Implementation of Technical Assistance MANAGING AUTHORITY Check of eligibility criteria - administrative and on-the-spot control Payments Accounting PAYING AGENCY

34 Experience of New Member State

35 Croatian precedent in DP
mined and mine-suspected agricultural areas

36 Croatian precedent in DP
 Year I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Other New Member States  EU budget 25 30 35 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 National budget 20 10 Total 55 65 Croatia  75

37 Croatian experience, Chapter 12: Establishments of food of animal origin

38 Croatian experience, Chapter 12: Milk quality

39 Croatian experience, Chapter 12: Animal welfare
until the end of the production cycles that have started before the date of Croatia's accession to the EU, i.e. for a period not exceeding 12 months after accession

40 Foreign agricultural trade: Croatia (mln EUR)

41 Post accession funds (ESI funds)

42 Why are EU funds important for CEE?

43 Croatia: EU Funds allocation, before and after accession
PHARE,ISPA,SAPARD IPA Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund*

44 Project information: Technical Assistance for Development of a Strategy for Alignment with Common Market Organisation (CMO) Requirements TR2014/AG/10-A1-01/001

45 Project Identification Data
Implemented by: NIRAS IC Sp. z.o.o – Consortium Leader Duration: 12 months Purpose of the Project Team to develop a strategy for gradual adoption of EU legislation on Common Market Organization (CMO) by the accession and to improve the institutional capacity related with CAP and particularly CMO regime


47 Target groups Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock
Staff of other relevant Ministries/Institutions NGOs

48 The main project outputs
Strategy Administrative capacities Gap analysis Administrative structure assessment Strategy + Road map TNA Training materials 11 trainings (target: 1,000 participants)

49 Strategy for gradual adoption of EU legislation on CMO
Policy mechanisms gradual implementation plan CMO alignment with work breakdown among key actors (Paying Agency with clear segregation of duties and policy decision level) Budgetary appropriation including budgetary re-allocation Description of coordination mechanisms Roadmap of all necessary steps to be taken

50 Awareness Raising and Visibility
2 high level seminars 3 public trailers 1 trailer on carcass classification a number of promotional materials closing event implementing communication strategy

51 Implementation of Communication Strategy
Sustainability, Quality and Competitiveness

52 This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union
The contents of this publication is the sole responsibility of NIRAS IC Sp. z o.o. and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union

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