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Structural vacancy of office buildings The influence of building- and location- characteristics in the case of Amsterdam Paper by: Hilde Remøy Philip.

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Presentation on theme: "Structural vacancy of office buildings The influence of building- and location- characteristics in the case of Amsterdam Paper by: Hilde Remøy Philip."— Presentation transcript:

1 Structural vacancy of office buildings The influence of building- and location- characteristics in the case of Amsterdam Paper by: Hilde Remøy Philip Koppels Hans de Jonge November 17, 2018

2 November 17, 2018

3 Supply and absorption November 17, 2018

4 Leegstand in Amsterdam
November 17, 2018

5 Conditions and characteristics
Market: Amsterdam, South-East Location: South East Building: Typical office Market: Absorption and available supply Location and building: the influence of physical characteristics on user preferences November 17, 2018

6 Delphi study November 17, 2018

7 Building and location characteristics
Delphi study Building and location characteristics Car-parking Exterior appearance User Recognisability Space efficiency Layout flexibility Interior appearance Comfort Building facilities Building period Technical state Security Energy performance Accessibility by car Status Accessibility by public transport Facilities Business cluster Safety November 17, 2018

8 Delphi study Conclusions from Delphi study, physical characteristics that explain vacancy: Low status, little or no facilities in the area (location) Bad external appearance, less car parking than surrounding properties (building) November 17, 2018

9 Office scan 196 office buildings in Amsterdam
106 buildings with structural vacancy 55 buildings with more than 30% structural vacancy Logistic regression: Building and location characteristics relationship to structural vacancy Characteristics defined by Delphi November 17, 2018

10 Structural vacancy Sources:
Map material: © Amsterdam, Geo en Real Estate information Databases supply and transactions: DTZ Zadelhoff Study by TU Delft, department of Real Estate & Housing November 17, 2018

11 Structural vacancy November 17, 2018

12 November 17, 2018

13 November 17, 2018

14 November 17, 2018

15 November 17, 2018

16 Classification Tablea
Model Summary Step -2 Log likelihood Cox & Snell R Square Nagelkerke R Square 1 a .411 .549 a. Estimation terminated at iteration number 20 because maximum iterations has been reached. Final solution cannot be found. Classification Tablea Observed Predicted Structural Vacancy 1 Percentage Correct Step 1 79 18 81.4 16 87 84.5 Overall Percentage 83.0 a. The cut value is .500 November 17, 2018

17 Building and location characteristics
Office Scan Building and location characteristics Car-parking Exterior appearance Space efficiency Layout flexibility Interior appearance Building facilities Building period Technical state Comfort Accessibility by car Status Accessibility by public transport Facilities Business cluster November 17, 2018

18 Building and location characteristics
Vacancy:100% Exterior appearance: low Layout flexibility: standard Interior appearance: low Construction year: 1985 Status: Low Facilities within 500 metres: none Office location November 17, 2018

19 November 17, 2018

20 November 17, 2018

21 November 17, 2018

22 November 17, 2018

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