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Ed Bielarski, General Manager April 18, 2018

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1 Ed Bielarski, General Manager April 18, 2018
Citizens’ Academy Ed Bielarski, General Manager April 18, 2018

2 The Five Pillars of GRU Community Involvement Competitive Rates
Environmental Stewardship Reliability Safety

3 GRU Services Electric Natural Gas Telecommunications Water Wastewater

4 Community

5 Community Involvement
Our customers are our community 94,000 payment arrangements and 12,000 installment plans in 2017. GRU and general government raised more than $55,000 for charities. 18th Annual Benefit Golf Tournament raised $25,500 for Williams Elementary School. Project SHARE raised more than $62,000 for those in need. Brighter Tomorrow Scholarship Program awarded six high school seniors $4,000 each toward college degrees in engineering. Moved all Friday service disconnects to the following week – no weekend shutoffs.

6 Community Involvement
Continually improving our relationship with our customers Community Outreach Started the Employee Volunteer Network in 2017. 80 employees volunteered 1,250 hours with over 40 nonprofits. GRU in the Neighborhood pop-up camps. Residential energy saving surveys. EngiNEARU partnership with UF to promote STEM education in grade schools.

7 Competitive Rates

8 Residential Basket of Services — February 2018
Competitive Rates Residential Basket of Services — February 2018

9 Competitive Rates

10 Competitive Rates

11 Competitive Rates $16,207,000 *as of March 22, 2018
GRU took ownership of the Deerhaven Renewable Generating Station (DHR) on Nov. 7, Since acquiring the plant the utility has saved: $16,207, *as of March 22, 2018

12 Competitive Rates Customers began seeing savings from DHR on February’s bills. The chart below reflects residential monthly savings based on industry standard usage of 1,000 kWh.

13 Competitive Rates GRU natural gas prices are the lowest in State of Florida.

14 Competitive Rates Financial Outlook
STABLE Outlook S&P AA- Moody’s Aa2 Fitch

15 Environment

16 Environment Carbon-neutral biomass facility.
Second-largest solar utility in the state per customer. Water meets all safe drinking water standards. Wellfield protected by 7,100 acres of conservation lands. Restored 1,300 acres of wetlands in Payne’s Prairie. Returns 70 percent of water to Floridan aquifer. Offers energy audits improve residential energy efficiency. Station upgrades at South Energy Center and Kelly Plant improve power generation efficiency.

17 Reliability

18 Reliability Among tops for (lowest) frequency and duration of service interruptions when compared to peers. Power available percent of the time. Undergrounding power lines for all new construction. Lined 11.5 miles of water mains and 550 manholes. Smoke testing to verify quality of sanitary sewer systems. HURRICANE IRMA: Majority of GRU’s 53,000 outages restored within 48 hours, compared to a statewide recovery rate of about 9 percent of customers per day. Tripled electric capacity of the South Energy Center, supplying uninterrupted power, clean water, and medical gas to UF Health South Campus.

19 Safety

20 Safety SafeStart Safety training for all GRU employees.
Proactive approach to vegetation management targets trees that may cause a hazard. Lowest vegetation-related outages in 15 years. No recordable injuries during Hurricane Irma restoration. 50 percent fewer accidents than 2016. Awarded Florida Municipal Electric Association’s Safety Award in and 2018.

21 Questions?

22 Thank You!

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