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Best Practices Creating Effectively Designed Learning Spaces

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1 Best Practices Creating Effectively Designed Learning Spaces
Dr. Homero Lopez - Dr. Karen Wells - Dr. Ernest Lara League Innovations 2011 Conference - February 27, 2011 Indigo 206, Level :15pm – 3:15pm

2 How Do We Create Effectively Designed Learning Spaces?
Tell Us What You Think? _____________________ ____________________ Enhance engagement & learning Enhance your educational advantage There are many types of learning spaces many shapes, forms, and purposes Research & measurement systems show impact on engagement and learning Learning styles of Millennials “collide” with traditional environments –They can “disengage”! Institutions follow a “journey” in stages of development to create effective learning spaces Best Practices: Creating Effectively Designed Learning Spaces League Innovations 2011 Conference – February 27, 2011 Indigo 206, Level :15pm – 3:15pm

3 Overview Best Practices: Creating Effectively Designed Learning Spaces
Welcome & Introductions Input from the Participants Effectively Designed Learning Spaces The Learning Studio Model The Story of the Journey of Two Colleges Best Practices Input from the Participants & Wrap Up

4 What We Believe About Learning Spaces
Creating Effectively Designed Learning Spaces Variety Learning Spaces - shapes, forms, and purposes Enhance Engagement & Learning Enhance your Educational Advantage Institutions follow a “Journey” in Stages of Development Follow Best Practices Enhance engagement & learning Enhance your educational advantage There are many types of learning spaces many shapes, forms, and purposes Research & measurement systems show impact on engagement and learning Learning styles of Millennials “collide” with traditional environments –They can “disengage”! Institutions follow a “journey” in stages of development to create effective learning spaces

5 Types of Learning Spaces
Traditional Classrooms Transformed into Learning Studios Mid - Large Enrollment Lecture Spaces Specialized, Applied and Laboratory Open, Commons, Informal Learning Virtual Learning Spaces Support Source: EDUCAUSE Quarterly Magazine – Science Learning Center, University of Queensland

6 Traditional Classrooms Transformed in Learning Studios
A “Re-invented” Classroom that Reframes the Learning Relationship Replaces the “Space-Challenged” Classroom - Changes Traditional Teaching Roles Challenges Old Assumptions - Instructionally Driven Design Features Facilitates Engagement Source: Herman Miller, Inc.

7 Learning Studio Features
Comfortable – Flexible – Highly Functional Integrated Infrastructure – Creative - Scaleable Photo Source: Herman Miller, Inc.

8 Effectively Designed Learning Spaces Can Facilitate Student Engagement
National Systems to Measure Student Engagement Benchmarks: Indicators of Effective Educational Practice Active & Collaborative Learning Student-Faculty Interaction Support for Learners

9 Active Learning Classrooms (ALC)
Source: University of Minnesota The University is putting up a new building with 9 SCALE-UP classrooms. Construction of the new Science Teaching and Student Services Building is scheduled to be complete during the fall 2010

10 Journey to Effective Learning Spaces EXPLORE EXPERIMENT ACTION
Stages of Organizational Change Followed by Colleges Designing New Learning Spaces EXPLORE EXPERIMENT ACTION

11 Lorain County Community College (OH) Journey to Effective Learning Spaces
A New Approach to Learning Spaces

12 Estrella Mountain Community College (AZ) Journey to Effective Learning Spaces Learning By Design

13 Best Practices Creating Effective Learning Spaces
1. Integrate with Institutional, Strategic, and Visionary Planning Vision 2015 Master Facilities Plan 2. Create Interdisciplinary Cross Functional Planning Teams of Key Stakeholders: Faculty, Staff, Students, & Project “Champions” Establish a Collaborative, meaningful, and Engaging Process Learning Space Design Team Request for Proposal (RFP) 4. Challenge Traditional Assumptions about Teaching & Learning National Center for Academic Transformation Travel Consultants Architect Selection

14 Best Practices Creating Effective Learning Spaces
5. Clarify Curricular Goals, desired Pedagogies, and Learning Outcomes 6. Seek to Understand the Relationship of Space to Learning, Innovative Pedagogy, Integration of Technology, and Student Engagement Experimental Classroom Center for Teaching Excellence Professional Development CCSSE Learn from Others through Visitations, Professional Conferences, and Review of Professional Literature 8. Seek Professional and Consultant Assistance

15 Best Practices Creating Effective Learning Spaces
9. Conduct Needs Assessment, User Focus Groups, and Research throughout the Process (pre and post occupancy) Educause Herman Miller Pre and Post Occupancy 10. Experiment, Create Prototypes, Replicate, Seek Partnerships, and Engage in Reflection Explore Alternatives, Base Decisions on Sound Information, and Create Models of Campus Learning Spaces

16 Questions – Comments – Final Thoughts
Best Practices Creating Effectively Designed Learning Spaces Questions – Comments – Final Thoughts What Has Your Experience Been? Dr. Homero Lopez - Dr. Karen Wells - Dr. Ernest Lara League Innovations 2011 Conference - February 27, 2011

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